MSPC Newsletter - Term 3 Week 6, 19th August 2021
Dear Parents/Caregivers
The restrictions around blended learning are very different from last year in that the ability of anyone, staff and students, to be physically at school is more limited. The first and main option is for students to learn from home. Only the children who cannot stay home due to their parents being essential workers and who are physically at work and therefore not present to care for them, or vulnerable students should attend school.
During blended learning, the instruction that students receive is exactly the same at school or home. I spoke to one parent today who had observed her son’s English lesson and she was amazed at the terrific lesson that was delivered. It is fantastic to hear that we have moved so quickly to provide quality instruction in this manner. I am not surprised as the proud Mount St Patrick staff have high expectations of themselves and we are proud to put the students at the centre of everything we do.
I encourage everyone to follow the rules and stay safe.
At last week’s assembly, I spoke to the students about heroes. As a child I had heroes, some of them I observed from a distance such as sportsmen and musicians, some of them from up close like my father. If someone criticised them, I would be personally offended. I would also feel personally let down if one of my heroes did something bad. As I grew up I realised that they’re human, they make mistakes and that’s alright. In fact it makes it better, they are real people.
I still have heroes now, they’ve changed, as I have grown and as my view of the world has grown, to include women and people of different colour and ethnicities than my own. I look past winning and go to the calibre of their character. At the Olympics, How much of a leader was Patty Mills? How about Jess Fox when she didn’t win? How brave was Simone Biles? When I was in the US I visited where Martin Luther King Jr was killed in Memphis and stood where he gave his “I have a dream” speech in Washington DC. I got goosebumps standing on that spot.
Saints and holy people, why do we look up to them and pray to them? I have wondered this for a long time. I can just pray straight to God. Why use a middle man when I can go straight to the big guy? It has only come to me recently that it's because of their flaws, their humanness. Jesus was sent to be among us as an example, but he’s a hard act to follow. Peter denying Jesus 3 times, Thomas doubting that Jesus rose from the dead, we can get that, can’t we? St Ignatius of Loyola is my favourite. He was a soldier, a playboy and then he found God, or probably God found him, and he transformed himself and laid out a spirituality for us to find God that is still used 500 years later. We can always be better and having examples to follow that aren’t perfect that have to work to achieve their goal is very real.
At Mount St Patrick College as patrons we have St Patrick, Nano Nagle, St Therese of Lisieux, Our Lady of Loreto and Lucan. Not equal in the Church's standing but all important heroic stories. I often think of the bravery of those Presentation Sisters from Lucan in Ireland, who would have had no idea about Lismore, Australia, just a vague notion that it was literally the other side of the world. They were sent over across the oceans, probably never to see their families again, to educate Catholic students in Lismore and then Murwillumbah. That is heroic. All these patrons represent quite different things and are considered by the Church to be at different levels, but to us they are examples of faith and examples for us to follow. We are going to add more patrons and we want to know their stories, hopefully be inspired, and understand full well that they were not perfect, but neither are we, and maybe that’s the point.
Be the Good and God Bless
Paul Reidy: Principal
Assistant Principal - Mission
In my newsletter article of 5th August, I expressed my thanks for all the donations towards the Carnival but I did forget to thank a family who have made donations over many years. Carol and Pryce Allsop have had four children come though the College, and they operate ‘All Home Products and Improvements’ in Murwillumbah. They always generously fill our gas bottles free of charge for the various events we have during the year involving BBQs for Mother’s and Father’s Day; NAIDOC celebrations, Athletics Carnival/Big Day Out and the Tableau. Their long-term generosity is appreciated and now publically acknowledged.
The Dental Health Van will be visiting the College on Monday 8th November, 2021 for those students whose parents want them to take advantage of this free service. Signed Consent Form needs to be returned to your child’s homeroom teacher by Monday 30th August. There are still plenty of Information Leaflets available at the Front Office and in homeroom folders.
As a consequence of the HSC Written Exams being put back a week, the Mt St Patrick College Formal and Presentation Evening will be held on Friday 19th November at the College. We look forward to a great celebration.
Exercise can be a key to keeping stress levels low and help with concentration. Exercise burns away the main stress hormone, cortisol. You will have a better chance of doing well in your study and exams if you get a good night’s sleep. These might be useful websites to parents and students to visit:
Study hacks from ReachOut
Sleep hygiene for teens Fact-Sheet-DP3.pdf
Food and Your Mood
Mary-Anne McShane: Assistant Principal - Mission
Prayer Sponsors have been proposed for the Year 12 students of Mt St Patrick College during their HSC exams. A prayer sponsor is someone who prays for another person at specific times with a specific intention in mind. When someone is sponsored they know that someone else is praying for them at that time.
A strong aspect of our Catholic and Christian Faith is the efficacy of prayer (i.e. prayer does make a difference). At the same time the injunction “Pray as if everything depended on God; work as if everything depended on you” has its own wisdom.
I appeal to parents, family and friends of our Year 12 HSC class to make themselves available as a prayer sponsor. Knowing that someone is praying for you at a difficult time is a source of great strength and consolation.
If you are interested in being a Prayer Sponsor for a Year 12 student from Mt St Patrick College, please phone during office hours (66722340) and leave your name, address and name of student (if specific student wanted) with Lesa or Jan at the office. The following prayer may be of use.
Today I wish to remember _________________________from Mount St. Patrick College.
During her/his HSC Exams, give them the strength to complete the exams to the best of her/his ability. Help them to remain calm and to think and write clearly so that they remember the things which they have learned and studied.
Give them the opportunity to show what they know and to have acceptance of her/his efforts after the exam. Fire up in them the determination of St. Paul who ran the good race till the end and who proclaimed 'If God is for us who can be against".
We pray this through Jesus Christ Our Lord.
Mick O'Donohue: Leader of Evangelisation
With the current COVID situation the Ministry Team has put together a Facebook and Instagram page to keep in contact from home. On these pages we will be posting daily bible verses, prayers, opening up scripture, a few fun little challenges and more. We would really appreciate your support.
Instagram - mspcministry
Facebook - MSPC Ministry
Cooper Leslight and Breeanna Males: YMOs
I hope that everyone is taking time to care for themselves during this lockdown. Below is some key information that could assist you and your family to adjust and cope better during uncertainty. The resource contains an explanation about how all of us may react to these circumstances - all of which are normal. It provides contact details for a range of services to help us. As well, it walks all of us through key processes that we can do to balance our feelings and to help our family members or friends. It covers:
- Skills for tough times
- Balancing screen time
- Helping friends and family
- Responding to family conflict
- Communication is key
Staff are working hard to provide lessons for students and to stay connected with them. Each week an overview of work not completed and/or lessons not being attended will be completed by staff. At the end of the first full week of remote learning, parents and the student will receive an email indicating what the student hasn’t completed. No email at this point means your child is completing work satisfactorily. Should the lockdown continue, a text from the school should be expected after the second full week of online learning if student’s commitments still aren’t being met. A phone call from the class teacher or the Leader of Wellbeing will be the next method of communication between the school and home.
You can expect communication for each year on the following days if we need to inform you about your child’s work level. The days are as follows:
Year 11 - Monday
Year 10 - Tuesday
Year 9 - Wednesday
Year 8 - Thursday
Year 7 - Friday
Year 12 - will be constantly monitored by their class teacher for each subject
Please don’t hesitate to contact the College if you are worried about your child in any way.
The above way of monitoring students’ academic progress is just one method by which we hope to engage with students and families during this time. Individual teachers and other staff may “check in” at any time should they feel the need. Students’ wellbeing will be monitored each week with a simple emoji survey. Please ask your child to complete this so that we can assist you, if needed.
The College staff will do all we can to support each other - students, families, staff and community. Let’s safely journey through this together.
Louise Shields: Leader of Student Welfare
Assistant Principal - Learning & Teaching
As we near the end of the first week of Blended Learning caused by NSW’s snap lockdown,
I would like to assure parents that MSPC teachers are prepared to provide the best possible educational experiences for their students, despite the challenges. Teachers will be providing their students with weekly overviews, through the Google Classroom platform, so that students can plan out the week. We encourage students to stay focused by following a set routine similar to a normal school day: follow the timetable; complete learning activities; have short breaks and work towards assessment tasks to minimise the disruption. Of course it is important to ensure the students are getting plenty of rest, a healthy diet and exercise.
Year 12 are in a good position to continue on their journey to achieve their HSC goals. We were fortunate to have completed our HSC trials before the lockdown. The teachers are now using these tasks to determine what revision is required. HSC teachers of subjects with a practical component have recently been asked by NESA to mark the projects and provide these marks to NESA. Our teachers are very experienced and confident to accurately provide the required marks that reflect the ability and hard work of our students.

Congratulations to Year 12 student Tiffany New who has been accepted into Australian National University to study a double degree in Political Science and International Security Studies. Tiffany is a talented and hardworking student who now has the security of knowing she has a university place for future study, before the HSC. I know Tiffany will continue to work hard and do the best she can in the final examinations.
Narelle Sherrah: Assistant Principal - Learning and Teaching
Hello Parents and Caregivers,
As you are aware, we have begun Blended Learning which means that all students will be completing work online using various formats. During this time, I am available to discuss any challenges you and/or your child have with this type of content delivery on
Ed Hodges: Learning Support Co-ordinator
In the last Curriculum Update, I mentioned that Friday 6th August was the final day of our Trial Examinations and how Year 12 had worked hard preparing for their exams. We are grateful indeed that Year 12 were able to complete the bulk of their Trial Exam Assessments without the added stress of lockdown. Our Industrial Technology: Timber and Multimedia students did their theory Trial Exams on Wednesday 18th August as planned, however it was completed online.
While these are trying times, Year 12 are in an excellent place and are encouraged to remain focused on their studies at home. As I have commented previously, now is the time where Year 12 can continue to grow and consolidate their knowledge, skills and understanding of the complex texts, content and concepts studied. Whilst they are at home, they should continue to work closely with their teachers, complete past exam papers under timed exam conditions, attend their scheduled classes and tutorials, and be proactive in seeking feedback to refine their revision notes and materials.
Below is an overview of assessments scheduled for Weeks 7 and 8. Should we continue with lockdown, we are very mindful that this will be a new experience for many students and we will work closely with them to ensure they feel confident and well prepared in completing their assessment tasks online.
Firstly, students will be provided with an Online Assessment Checklist that will give clear instructions about how the assessment will be conducted. Teachers will explain this in detail to their classes. Students should also read this document very carefully. Many of the Year 7 to 10 Assessments will be a hand in assessment, which they can upload to their Google Classroom for that subject.
The following are some of the important steps needed for online assessments to work smoothly for students:
- Check dates on the Assessment Google Calendar.
- Details for an assessment can be found on the MSPC Assessment Portal.
- Additional resources / details may be resourced in Google classrooms as directed by the Classroom Teacher.

MSPC Assessment Portal:
When completing assessments, students should:
- Set up a quiet space where they can complete their assessment.
- If handwriting and scanning answers, write answers clearly on paper using a black pen as it scans more effectively.
- Photograph / scan written work and upload it to the google classroom and submit “turn it in”. The Google Classroom App makes it easier to complete this step.
If students are unsure of what is expected, they are encouraged to be proactive and ask for help from their teacher or the Leader of Learning for that subject.
I wish students all the best with their studies and encourage them to stay focused and ‘be the good’.
ASSESSMENT TERM3 - WEEKS 7 & 8 - The following table is an overview of assessments:

Jo McDonald: Leader of Curriculum
Faculty News
The students in Years 7 – 11 will have Week 9 to select their Term 4 Sport options via a google form sent to them at the start of that week. Below is a complete list of sports available. There is also an indication of the costs involved for each sport week. This cost will be billed to your School Fees.
Can you please discuss your son/ daughters options with them. After the selection process is complete sports rolls will be posted at school and it is the student’s responsibility to check what sport they received. The only changes to these rolls will take place this term in Week 10. Numbers will need to be finalised so that venues and buses can be booked and coaches booked for Term 4. Thanks in advance.

With so much uncertainty regarding restrictions at the moment all we can do is hold out hope that they may ease and sporting opportunities can restart. Our diocesan Volleyball Championships is due to be held in Coffs Harbour on the first Friday back at school, 8th October. Coaches will be holding trials for these teams when school re-opens.
Cricket players are reminded that now is the time when trials will be held at school for selection in College teams for the statewide knockout competitions: Berg (Junior 7 – 9 boys) and Downie Trophy (Senior 10 – 12 boys) as well as for local competitions such as the Gilchrist and Phelps Shields (20/20 days) for boys and girls.
Dio Volleyball 8th October
Dio Gymnastics 26th October
Dio Senior Water Polo 4th November
Dio Golf Championships 9th November
Dio Junior Water Polo 11th November
Cricket knockouts when dates occur

Last year during lockdown the College reached out to the creator of a mobile phone app called “Bolt for Gold”. This free app, accessible to both apple and android phones allows students to log onto the app, click the school tile, find the Mt St Patrick College tile and click on a challenge.
Year 7 students and anyone new to the College, this is a great way to use technology to remain connected to the College. The app tracks your distance, speed and time to complete. At the moment there are 3 challenge distances set for any student, parent or staff member to complete. So even in lockdown it is still very important to balance our sedentary lifestyle with safe, physical activity. Remember, if you are exercising outside to carry a mask and observe all social distancing rules and only exercise with people from within your household or 1 other person.
People from each year group who complete the most distance during lockdown may be awarded points for the Champion House Trophy. Come on Nagle, Lucan and Loreto students, here’s another chance to gain some points on Lisieux.
Look for this image in your app store and download to get involved.
The M.S.P.C event is now live on the app and viewable on the website here:
Steps to Register;
- Download the Bolt For Gold App
- Sign up and click 'School' Event
- Click M.S.P.C Event
- Type password 'NANO'
- Enter your run anytime up to the 31st August, 2021
Also a video tutorial on a school sign up is here:
Tim Whitney: Sports Co-ordinator
In the Technology Workshops Year 7 and 8 Engineers have been working on their skills using OnShape and various machines and hand tools. My 7B students should be proud of their ‘Ghosts’ which are featured below.
Tom O’Shea: Technology Teacher

College News
The next College P & F meeting will be held on Tuesday 24th August at 5.30pm via Zoom. Thanks for your support.
Puzzle Corner
Can you solve the puzzle below?
On his way out the door on a cold and snowy morning, Russ needed a pair of mittens.
In a bin of mittens, there were 12 red mittens, 12 blue mittens, and 12 black mittens.
All mittens can be worn on either the left or the right hand.
What is the greatest number of mittens Russ can pull out before he gets a pair of mittens that are the same colour?

If you think you have the solution, please see/email Mrs Bevan. The first 10 correct answers will receive a prize.
Last Editions answer = 3/7
Year 7: Jack Bourke, Annie Butt, Lucy Grant, Elijah Keyes, Amity Page
Year 8: Ella Cracknell, Ellody Doman, Tobias Glazebrook, Riley Griffin, Ty Lockwood, Shamsa Osman, Ulani Uhlmann
Year 9: Brendon Brock, Elise Devery, Olivia Mason, Emily Simpson
Year 12: Nicholas Buchanan
Year 7: Annie Butt, Lucy Grant, Elijah Keyes
Year 8: Ellody Doman, Tobias Glazebrook
Year 9: Brendon Brock, Emily Simpson
Year 9: Brendon Brock
Year 7: Marley Abbott, Ryder Akehurst, Taylor Anderson, Gypsy Arnaud-Gower, Skye Ayres, Olivia Bagnall, Lukas Bain, Georgia Biskup, Zane Booth, Dayna Crichton, Bryan Cunial, Grace Farrell, Tyler Follett, Ewan Gale, Elissa Hawkins, Darcy Irby, Cooper Lynch, Levi Priest, Maddison Shackell (2), Eshaan Sharma (2), Alexander Wallace, Cooper Lynch, Sanjay Nix, Eden Petrie, Charli Riviere, Chloe Shoobridge, Sachin Smith
Year 8: Kaleb Arnold, Sienna Bice, Kiani Byrnes, Sebastian Calvino, Ava Every, Fin Kelly, Gian Kendrick-Morosini, Reef Kidwell, Rishabh Lashand (2), Lonnie Maher, Jed McDonald (2), Angela Menzie, Leon Morgan, Payten Nash, Vann O’Keefe, Honey Royle, Ari Sampson-Jones, Jack Shackell, Ava Singh, Jaxon Thomas, Murray Burnett, Alexander Dowling, Ella Ewing, Charlotte Kilgariff, Cruz Kill, William Ryan, Trisha Sharma
Year 9: Miller Akehurst, Sarah Bowers, Daniella Cunial, Isabella Maher, Jack McClymont, Monique McDougall, Alexis Pelikan, Cooper Robinson, Taj Ruddy, Joshua Wharton, Meila Abbott, Elise Albertini, Cailey Baker, Zayne Chisholm
Year 10: Tahu Aldred-Sutherland, Dylan Gale, Jayalily Haim, Anchittha Khamkaew, Talyn Nix, Felicity Noble, Logan Priest, Lachlan Shoobridge, Henry Smith, Keeley Sutherland, Jack Telling (2), Cashlin Townsend, Elizabeth Warne, Noah Ashley, Finn Byrnes, Lara-Grace Ewing, Grace Kelly, Keeley Sutherland
Year 11: Lillyan Charman
Year 12: Joel Riviere, Emma Wilkinson
Year 7: Marley Abbott, Ryder Akehurst, Georgia Biskup, Dayna Crichton, Eshaan Sharma, Cooper Lynch, Sanjay Nix, Charli Riviere
Year 8: Kaleb Arnold, Kiani Byrnes, Ava Every, Gian Kendrick-Morosini, Rishabh Lashand, Jed McDonald, Payten Nash, Honey Royle, Ari Sampson-Jones, Jake Shackell, Murray Burnett
Year 9: Monique McDougall, Cooper Robinson, Zayne Chisholm
Year 10: Dylan Gale, Jayalily Haim, Talyn Nix, Cashlin Townsend, Elizabeth Warne, Noah Ashley, Lara-Grace Ewing, Grace Kelly
Year 11: Lillyan Charman
Year 12: Joel Riviere
Year 8: Rishabh Lashand
Year 9: Cooper Robinson
Year 10: Talyn Nix
Year 7: Oliver Brown, Zoe Gray, Isaac Heath, Annabelle O’Grady, Kate Pryke, Samantha Zambelli, Coby Williams
Year 8: Deia Aggebrink-Jones, Ewan Bourne, Bailey Buchanan, Rhys Johnston, Lucy McTaggart, Ava Mutton, Charlize Ricciuti, Stella Taylor, Jesse Barrett, Lachlan May
Year 9: Caitlyn Moore
Year 10: Elinor Litvin, Lily Robinson
Year 12: Lily French
Year 7: Isaac Heath, Kate Pryke, Samantha Zambelli
Year 8: Deia Aggebrink-Jones, Rhys Johnston, Jesse Barrett
Year 10: Elinor Litvin, Lily Robinson
Year 10: Elinor Litvin
Year 7: Sofia Dourado, Miley Field, Willo Fletcher, Abigail Gilson, Erin Lanyon, Charlotte Macdonald, Chelsea Templeton, Kye Thierjung
Year 8: Isiah Doevendans, Uriah Gilson, Beau Johnson, Felix Morin-Graue, Ebony Roach, Martin Smith, Louie Banbury
Year 10: Ruby Cummins, Kye Doevendans, Emma Farrelly, Mitchell Grossman, Aleece Hunt
Year 12: Taylah Brown, Abbey Kuhnell
Year 7: Abigail Gilson
Year 8: Ebony Roach, Martin Smith
Year 10: Kye Doevendans
Year 12: Abbey Kuhnell
Year 10: Kye Doevendans
Canteen Roster
The following roster will only come into affect if restrictions are lifted and we allowed to return to the College. If we are still in lockdown due to COVID 19 and restrictions are in place then no volunteers will be permitted onsite until further notice. Thank you for you support.