MSPC Newsletter - Term 1 Week 3, 18th February 2022
Dear Parents/Caregivers,
College Expectations
There are many, many rules at the College. They cover uniform, behaviour, assessments and more. When speaking to prospective students, rather than going through every rule, I prefer to wrap our expectations up in one work: respect. If we respect the College we will wear our uniform well and with pride and we will do our best in preparation for, and participation in, our subjects. If we respect each other our interactions will be generous and kind. The College does not follow trends and therefore sometimes there can be clashes in terms of the manner the uniform is worn, jewellery, hairstyles, even in what is illegal such as drugs but unfortunately, sometimes tolerated in the broader community. We feel by being clear in our expectations there is no need for a clash as what is expected is known and will be enforced. If you are unsure of any of our expectations please contact the College to clarify. I feel very strongly that doing those little things right puts all of our community on the path to success.
Welcome to new staff
No team stays the same from year to year and we welcome a range of new staff to the Mount St Patrick College community for 2022. I am thrilled with their enthusiasm and range of experiences that will enrich our students’ life at the College.
Mrs Shellae Boss - Leader of Inclusion and Diversity
Mrs Lauren Bristow - Leader of Wellbeing Lucan, HSIE, Religious Education
Ms Amy Camer - English, Religious Education, Drama
Mrs Michelle Delaney - Mathematics
Mr Mark Edwards - HSIE
Ms Brittany Gould - Science, Religious Education, Chemistry
Mr George Healy - English, HSIE
Mr Jake Hetherington - PDHPE, SLR
Ms Ashlie Pinter - Mathematics
Mr Blake Reynolds - English, Mathematics
Mr Nicholas Rimmel - TAS, Hospitality
Ms Ellen Seller - PDHPE, Science
Ms Kaitlyn Still - PDHPE, SLR
Mrs Jody Van Den Driest - Leader of Wellbeing Nagle, PDHPE, English, Religious Education
Mr Rick Van Den Driest - PDHPE, Religious Education
Mr Carl Windhorst - TAS
Mr Tom McTaggart - Teacher’s Aide
Mr Tom Gresham - Sports Assistant (MSPC Graduate of 2021)
Mr Shaun Tonks - Technology Assistant (MSPC Graduate of 2021)
Ms Emma Wilkinson - Youth Ministry Officer (MSPC Graduate of 2021)
Ms Mikalya Greenhalgh-Boyd - Youth Ministry Officer (St Paul’s Kempsey)
College Events
Our Swimming Carnival was held at the end of week one and Mr Whitney’s work to ensure the students had a terrific day came to fruition as it was a great success. Our Year 12 Retreat is underway as I type. I have spoken to students and they are happy and optimistic to be able to participate in these events. We will continue to monitor the situation and make risk assessments to both be safe and offer our students a rich range of experiences as the year progresses. I ask you to support us by encouraging the young person under your care to be part of all we offer.
COVID - RATs and Masks
The College is very grateful to parents and students for the way in which you have adhered to the rules and regulations for the beginning of the school year. The current mask and testing regime was set in place for the first four weeks of term. We will send correspondence regarding weeks 5 and beyond as soon as we receive it.
Social Media Groups
It is quite common for parents to establish social media groups or pages to share information or connect with other parents in your child’s class and school community. Please be reminded that it is not permitted to establish a social media presence using the school's name or logo without written permission from the Principal. Any permitted social media pages/groups/accounts must adhere to the schools and the Catholic Schools Office Diocesan Social Media Policies.
Be the Good and God Bless,
Paul Reidy
Assistant Principal - Mission
The MSPC Swimming Carnival held on 4th February was a great success. God provided an overcast but day for us and the heavens didn’t open until all the students got home on their buses! Congratulations to Lisieux House on their win and all the Age Champions and Runners Up. Thanks to the parents and carers who donated cakes and slices to the P & F stall or made monetary donations towards Carnival expenses.
A peaceful Opening College Mass took place on Friday morning 11th February with the student leadership team inducted into their roles. Fr Peter Woods officiated and it was great to be able to have the new leaders, some of their parents and staff, and all of Year 12 present in the Church following COVID-safe guidelines.
Year 7 students in Berchmans, Chisholm and Doyle Learning Groups will experience the Currumbin Treetops Challenge on Friday 25th February. Year 7s in Gilroy, MacKillop and O’Connor will travel to Currumbin on Friday 4th March.
In 2022 students in Years 7 and 10 are being offered free vaccinations in the NSW School Vaccination Program. Parent Information Kits outlining all the details will be sent home with your student next Monday 21st February. They include a Consent Form which must be signed before any injection can take place.
Year 7 students are being offered HPV Dose 1 and Boostrix injections on 2nd March in the Gilbey Hall and Year 10 students
College Photos will take place on Thursday 3rd and Friday 4th March in the Gilbey Hall. We are using a new company this year called Advanced Life. Following are the details regarding online orders and costings so that parents can do some budgeting at this ‘expensive’ time of the year.
Mary-Anne McShane
Assistant Principal: Mission
Dear Parents,
School photography day is coming up soon. Group and portrait photographs can be purchased by following the link below or by returning the order envelope with your payment to our photographer on school photo day.
advancedlife now offers Latitude Pay! To take advantage of LatitudePay and split the cost of your order into 10 small easy payments, simply order your school photos online as usual, set up a Latitude Pay account in just a few clicks and pay no interest or fees when you pay according to your payment schedule; it’s that easy.
3 easy ways to purchase:
- LatitudePay – Click on the link below, set up an account during the online order process and split your payments across 10 weeks with no interest or fees, if you pay on time
- Visa, MasterCard or PayPal
- Cash – complete the envelope supplied and return it to our photographer on photo day
Or visit:
And enter online order code: B8V DPW 9YB
School photography information:
- Online orders- do not require an envelope returned to your school
- Sibling Photos- Don’t forget to pre-order your sibling photos online up to 24 hours before photo day. We provide your school with a list of sibling orders right up to the day of photography, so no one misses out. If you miss the online order deadline, you can submit a completed sibling order envelope first thing in the morning of the day of photography, so your school is aware you want the photo taken and can bring your children together in time for it. Sibling photographs only apply to children enrolled at your school. Please note not all schools offer sibling photos
- Late fees- a late fee will be applied to each package purchased after photo day due to the additional cost of producing these packages separately
- Package delivery- photographic packages will be returned to your school for distribution approximately six weeks after photos are taken
- Previous Years’ photos- Past years’ photographs including sports, co-curricular and representative groups are also available to order under the “previous years or group photo” tabs at your school’s advancedorder site when you click on the “Order School Photos Here” button above. You can also order past packages, portrait images and gifts from your child’s unique, individual and secure advancedyou image archive site using the unique 9 digit image code found on packages you have ordered in the past
advancedlife would like to express our appreciation to Mt St Patrick College for placing your trust in us. Please remember we offer a 100% money back guarantee on our products to ensure your peace of mind. We would also love to receive your feedback or resolve any issues you may experience as fast as possible, to ensure your satisfaction. If you have any questions, comments or feedback relating to your advancedlife experience please contact us at:
Kind regards,
Lola Ruiz Diaz
Client Coordinator
Congratulations to the newly elected SRC and House Leaders. We have a terrific group of students making up this group across Years 10, 11 and 12. The Year 12 student leaders recently attended workshops at Southern Cross University to learn new skills and strategies about being a good leader. The whole of Year 11 will take part in a leadership day on Friday 4th March. The purpose of the day will be to prepare leaders for the start of Term 4-when we launch our new 8 House structure. For each House, we will require three co-captains and each will have a specific focus. The categories for co-captains will be: Mission and Culture; Academic and Wellbeing; Sport and Community.

St Pat’s Day is quickly approaching and after two years of stalled celebrations we are ready to go. We will be celebrating the day on Monday 14th March as the Year 10 Retreat and Year 11 and 12 Assessment are taking place on the real day ‘17th March’, to be sure To be Sure!
A reminder that this year students may be given an Afternoon Detention if they do not attend a Lunchtime Detention. If they are at school and there is a legitimate reason why they couldn’t attend, then obviously the extra consequence won’t be given. However, if they choose not to attend, the after school detention will apply. After school detentions are part of our College discipline policy. We hope for your continued support in helping your children meet the expectations of our school.
If you have any questions or need help in anyway please contact your child’s Leader of Wellbeing.
Need to talk to someone right now? National 24/7 crisis support for young people is available from:
- Kids Helpline: 1800 55 1800
- Suicide Callback Service: 1300 659 467
- Lifeline: 13 11 14
Louise Shields
Leader of Pastoral care
Assistant Principal - Learning & Teaching
As the Assistant Principal of Learning and Teaching, I am responsible for driving our vision.
Embrace Life is our vision for Mt St Patrick College. It is inspired by the life and teachings of Christ encapsulated in John 10:10 ‘I have come so that you may have life, and have it to the full’.
This vision encourages us as a Christian community to see life as a gift to be enjoyed, celebrated and shared, through the pursuit of knowledge and wisdom.
The Learning and Teaching leadership team is as follows:

Leader of Curriculum(LOC) Mrs Joanne McDonald is responsible for the organisation of the Curriculum, the “What” we learn and teach. Please contact Mrs McDonald with any questions about classes, curriculum , assessment and reporting.
Leader of Pedagogy (LOP) Mrs Narelle Chaffer is responsible for the “How” we learn and teach. Mrs Chaffer leads the College in many learning initiatives and facilitates the professional development of our staff, ensuring the staff are at the forefront of the latest educational initiatives.
The Leader of Literacy Mr Simon Holder is responsible for leading growth in Literacy across the College using the Lynn Sharratt Collaborative as a framework.
The Leader of Careers Miss Keeley Serone is focussed on career pathways for our students guiding them on setting goals and moving towards these goals.
Two important information nights will be taking place in the Gilbey Centre to inform parents and forge a strong partnership between the College and the home.
Year 7 Information Night will take place on Wednesday 23rd February at 6.30pm.
Year 11 and 12 Information Night for parents and students on Wednesday 15th March at 6.30pm.
I encourage parents to attend these nights so that we are all working as a team to achieve the best educational outcomes for your child.
Year 12 are on Retreat this week which is an opportunity for them to reflect on where they are at this point of time in progressing towards their goals. It helps to sharpen their focus and gain support from the group on their journey.
Narelle Sherrah
Assistant Principal: Learning and Teaching
It is Week 3 and students have met their teachers and settled into their learning routines. This is the time when good study habits should be formed. No doubt you will have heard the maxim that the key to effective learning is to ‘work smarter and not harder’. Students are encouraged to be organised, focused and regularly complete their coursework and homework to the best of their ability. They should be recording their homework and assessment details on a daily basis in their College diary. All students have a Mount St Patrick College diary and are required to take it to all classes. The diary has two main purposes:
- Firstly, it provides a means by which students can organise their homework and study. All students are given homework regularly and this should be recorded on the appropriate page of the diary. Assignment submission dates should also be recorded in the diary.
Recommended hours of homework and study are detailed in the College diary as follows:
Years 7 and 8 - 1 hour per night
Years 9 and 10 - 1.5 hours per night
Year 11 - 2 hours per night
Year 12 - 3 hours per night
- Secondly, the diary provides a means of communication between the College and parents and carers. Parents and carers are asked to sign the diary each week and are welcome to use the diary as a means of communication with teachers. Teachers will sign the diary on a weekly basis.
Students are also encouraged to set personal goals to improve their learning. Setting realistic goals such as planning a regular home study routine and sticking to it, or focusing on a key learning area could be a realistic goal.
Students are encouraged to be proactive and seek advice from their teachers if they are struggling or unsure of what is required. Sending an email to a teacher can be an effective way to ask for clarification or ask for assistance.
There is an electronic study planner that can be downloaded to help students keep track of their coursework, homework and assessment tasks for each of their subjects. Students can detail their commitments on a daily, weekly and term basis. Students can find planners on the MSPC assessment portal on their year group page.

The Assessment Policy is detailed on the front page of the Assessment Portal which can be accessed on the MSPC Moodle Page:
If a student is sick and unable to complete an assessment on the due date, Years 7, 8 and 9 require a letter from a parent / carer detailing the student’s circumstances for non-completion of an assessment task. For Years 10, 11 and 12 a medical practitioner is required to complete the MSPC Assessment Variation Illness Form. A copy of this document can be found on the student’s year page of the Assessment Portal.
A copy of the Assessment Rules is included below for your information.
Assessment Term 1 - Weeks 3 and 4: There are no assessments scheduled for this fortnight. The Years 11 and 12 assessment block is scheduled for Weeks 7 and 8.

ASSESSMENT TASK RULES – Mount St Patrick College
All Years: Students are to complete ALL Assessment Tasks for each subject. If there is a valid reason e.g. prolonged illness or approved leave, the student may be awarded a mark based on a substitute task or the Curriculum Coordinator may approve an estimated mark being awarded.
Extensions: Only the Curriculum Coordinator can grant extensions for tasks and they must be applied for at least 3 days before the task is due.
Late submissions and cheating
- If a candidate fails to hand in/seriously complete an assessment task by the due date, a zero will be awarded. However, the task must still be completed by the student to fulfil NESA requirements.
- Late submissions of hand-in tasks have 20% of the mark achieved for that task deducted per day late and will receive zero after 3 days. For example, if a student obtained 60% for a task and it was 1 day late they would have their mark reduced by 20% and their mark would be 48%.
- If a task is designated to be handed in at a particular time e.g. 9.00 AM Tuesday, 20% will be deducted after that timeg. 9.30 AM Tuesday. The same will apply to late arrival for an in-class task.
- If plagiarism, cheating or the gaining of unfair advantage is identified, a zero will be awarded.
What if you are absent for an Assessment Task?
All years
- For Year 7-9 students: a note from the parent is required upon the student’s return.
- For Year 10-12 students: a Medical Practitioner must complete the Mount St Patrick Assessment Variation Illness Application. This can be accessed on the student’s year page on the Assessment Portal. A zero will be awarded if the completed document is not provided. NOTE: A signed statutory declaration will not be accepted.
- These notes need to be submitted to the class teacher before 9 am on the first day of return.
Catch-up tasks
- It is the STUDENT’S responsibility to report to their teacher or the appropriate Leader of Learning, before homeroom, on the FIRST day of their return and arrange a time to complete the task. If they fail to do this, a 20% penalty may be awarded and the task must still be completed.
- During the Years 7-12 exam blocks, a catch-up period will be specified on the examination timetable. However, the student should still report to their teacher with a note and/or Medical Certificate.
- For other tasks, students will have the opportunity to complete the task within a subject set timeframe for example:
Day task was due | Days on which the catch-up can be completed |
Monday | Tuesday or Wednesday or Thursday |
Tuesday | Wednesday or Thursday or Friday |
Wednesday | Thursday or Friday |
Thursday | Friday or following Monday |
Friday | the following Monday or Tuesday |
Assessment Tasks Completed on Computers
To minimise issues with computers and printers around the time of the assessment due date, students should:
- save their work frequently as they progress.
- print draft copies as substantial additions are made to the assessment.
- have a backup copy of their assessment on their personal Google ‘My Drive’ and should email drafts of their assessment to themself via their school email periodically.
- Students who complete their assignments on computers at home should ensure:
- assessment is submitted as specified on the Assessment Task Notification.
- that any programs used are compatible with the College system.
Note that computers or printers that are not working will not be accepted as a valid reason for a late submission, or for an extension.
If relying on printing in the library, it is the student's responsibility to check that programs are compatible with the school system.
Hand in Submissions: Requirements
For all hand in assessment tasks, students are required to keep a digital copy of their assessment that is time and date stamped. For example, the copy could be a PDF copy, scanned copy, or a photographic copy of the assessment task. The copy must display the date and time the assessment was completed and should not be altered past the due date and time.
Jo McDonald
Leader of Curriculum
Faculty News
Yet another Covid restricted carnival went ahead on Friday 4th February, at the TRAC. Whilst numbers were somewhat down on previous years due to the pandemic and the inclement weather of the day before, over 550 brave souls were on pool deck for the start of the Carnival. They were all rewarded with a glorious day. Not too hot, not too cold, just right.
Sitting in Year groups due to restrictions, staff thought the atmosphere may have been somewhat subdued. That was quickly erased when the Year 7 group yelled and squeeled and cheered from the first race to the last. Their enthusiasm quickly, (and I hesitate when I say this) spread among the rest of the students. By the end of the opening event you could have been forgiven for thinking that the entire College was present.
Congratulations to the nearly unstoppable Red Army of Lisieux. Taking out yet another College Carnival. However, they did not have it all their own way with the gap between 1st and second place narrowing albeit narrowly. Results of the carnival are below.
Year 7 Student Myla Naylor needs a special mention breaking 5 records throughout the day and swimming the second fastest 50m freestyle time of the entire day, as a 12-year-old if you don’t mind.
1st – Liseux 1975 pts 2nd – Lucan 1573 pts 3rd – Loreto 1552 pts 4th – Nagle 1522 pts | 1st - Lisieux 617 competitors 2nd - Nagle 518 competitors 3rd - Lucan 517 competitors 4th - Loreto 466 competitors |
12 | Liam Monaghan 100pts | Finn O’Donnell 64pts | Myla Naylor 120pts | Charli Mills 64pts |
13 | Stephan Pelikan 96pts | Ethan Fitzsimmons 92pts | Willa Hoffman 116pts | Keira Hair 68pts |
14 | Alex Wellm 116pts | Jack Bourke 88pts | Annabelle O’Grady 104pts | Amity Page 68pts |
15 | Jack French 108pts | Felix Morin–Graue 72pts | Alexis Pelikan 120pts | Makayla De Jonge 60pts |
16 | Zayne Chisholm 120pts | Jacob Lanyon 60pts | Ava Browning 108pts | Hannah Millar 48pts |
OPEN | Darcy Wills 88pts Sean Carney 88pts | Bede Curnow 68pts | Kloe Mills 120pts | Elizabeth Warne 84pts |
AWD | n/a |
RECORD BREAKERS: Myla Naylor and Alex Wellm

Age | Name | Event | New Record | Previous Holder | Previous time | Year |
U12 | Myla Naylor | 50 Breastroke | 40.68 | Jane Moran | 43.81 | 1997 |
50 Backstroke | 36.27 | Ebony Northeast | 36.94 | 2018 | ||
100 Freestyle | 1.07.88 | Ebony Northeast | 1.11.31 | 2018 | ||
50 Freestyle | 30.56 | Ebony Northeast | 32.33 | 2018 | ||
50 Butterfly | 33.64 | Ebony Northeast | 35.97 | 2018 | ||
U14 | Alex Wellm | 50 Breastroke | 36.94 | Jared Carney | 37.12 | 2016 |
NSWCCC Tennis Individual Selection trials
- Entries for this close on Monday 21st February at 5pm.
- Entries completed by families directly on the NSWCCC Website
- Players must have a UTR to register an expression of interest. UTR (Universal Tennis ranking) has replaced Australian ranking this year.
- The carnival will be held the following Monday on 28th Feb at Parramatta. Parents need to drive players to the venue.
- Once the top 32 boys and girls are selected to participated, they will be progressed in the system and parents will need to pay the registration.
- So far 72 players have expressed interest and the majority have submitted a UTR which is great
The Diocesan winter sports trials for Opens and U15 Rugby League will be held on Tuesday 1st March at St John’s College. All interested players MUST apply through the Lismore Diocesan Sports webpage:
Once all applications have been received the coaches will assess each applicant and invite to these trials the athletes they would like to see perform. The School will be informed of the successful applicants and they will be issued a permission email with electronic consent.
The Open Boys and Girls Football trial will be held on the same day (1st March) at the Northern Rivers Football Academy (previously The Liverpool Academy) Military Rd East Lismore. Once again, applicants will be invited to trial after submitting their online registration. The College informed of successful applicants and an online consent form sent to those students to attend.
This year, for the first time there is an U16 Girls Rugby League trial (contact).
IMPORTANT: All girls need to have attended a Katrina Fanning Cup Day (under the NRL banner) prior to attending the Northern Country trials. Girls should be registered with a Rugby League Club and playing tackle.
If interested and you fit the application criteria please register online.

Congratulations to two students, Abbey Bevan in Yr 12 and Sunny Hewett of Yr 11 who have been training with the Gold Coast Suns U18 squad over the last 12 months. Both girls, along with 2021 Yr 12 student Imogen Evans, have been selected in the final squad which will now be competing in an Inter - academy competition against teams from both Brisbane and Melbourne. The girls will travel with the team to all venues and play a series of games which will see them travelling to Brisbane, Sydney and Melbourne for games. The first game will be at Metricon Stadium next weekend. Watch this space for more details.

Sophie Buckley of Yr 7 is a keen local cricketer with a promising career in front of her if recent accolades and selections are anything to go by. Sophie, as part of a Far North Coast Cricket team played in a country Championship event at Grafton. Sophie starred with several excellent performances with both bat and ball. Not only does she demonstrate exceptional talent on the field, her efforts off the field and around her club and at local competition has also been rewarded when she was the co-recipient of the prestigious award “Murwillumbah Cricket – Achievers Award”
Sophie, along with good friend Ruby Nix, where awarded this honour by the Murwillumbah Old Boys Cricket Association. Not only is this the first time a 1st grade cricketer has received this award but it is the first time a female has won the award.
Forging a path in the game. Great work Sophie (and Ruby).
For the third year in a row Year 12 student Fiona Laybutt has been selected to play in the Queensland U18 Hockey Team. As part of the team last year Fiona was integral to the team's success when they won the Australian Championships. They will once again go into the Australian Championships to be held in Cairns starting April 6th 2022 as favourites.
Congratulations Fiona on an outstanding few years on the Hockey pitch.

As we get closer to the first representative sports teams leaving the College I feel it necessary to explain the new procedure for parents to give electronic consent and pay online.
When a College team is selected to attend an event an excursion notification will be generated within Compass and details including consent and payment options will be sent to the compass app on your smartphone or computer. Here, parents can access all details and allow consent for the excursion and even pay online. We have been promised the whole system should be more user friendly. It will require all parents to download the Compass app and link it to Mount St Patrick College. Once this step is complete you will receive a notification allowing you to access the excursion details.
Payment should be made easier and more convenient through the Compass app. A link to how to add a card to the app for easier payment can be found below:
Tim Whitney
Sports Coordinator
Congratulations are extended to Georgia Hutton whose Body of Work titled 'People in Pencil - My Grandfather, Mum and Sister Billi' received a nomination for the 2021 Artexpress exhibition.
To receive confirmation that her nomination was accepted reinforces that her submitted HSC artworks are amongst the best in the state. Georgia deserves to be applauded for the many, many hours of dedication spent creating her work and the exceptional level of skill required to produce such intricate and beautifully rendered portrait drawings.

Louise Devine
Art Teacher
College News
The College received word at the end of last year that we were successful in our application for an Arts Grant. The Project called ‘Nama Jagun’ (embrace the special place) will commence in Term 2. The College is seeking up to eight keen and talented artists (painters, sculptors etc.) to create four artworks that will become a permanent feature in the College. Four artworks will be created representing Hope, Challenge, Endeavour and Achievement. Please see Mr Lill in the Learning Hub if you are interested.
Michael Lill
Arts Projects Co-ordinator
Term 1 2022 has seen the introduction of two initiatives aimed at reducing our carbon footprint through varying food consumption and packaging.
Meatless Mondays has started and I hope the students are enjoying the new changes in the canteen menu. I encourage everyone to bring a meatless lunch and consider a meatless dinner every Monday night. Flexishools are now fully on board, changing Monday’s menu to meatless and the canteen ladies encourage you to order online.
Our second initiative was Nude Tuesday’s. This initiative was developed to encourage kids and parents to eat well and live well, and eliminate all unnecessary packaging and wrapping that goes into schools.
Another initiative is plastic bottle tops used to make artificial limbs.

2000 bottle tops can be used to make one artificial limb for someone who has lost a limb from either war, disease or accident. I also encourage you to collect bottle caps at home for our students to put in the pink bucket at school. If every student brought in 3 caps/week, the UNSW could produce 1 artificial limb a week.

More initiatives will be implemented throughout 2022, so WATCH THIS SPACE!!!
Jackie Tilsley
Earth and Environmental Science Teacher
A big thank you to Levi Van Rosi (Year 12) who spoke our new Acknowledgement of Country with the utmost pride.
Thank you to Kloe Mills (Year 11) and Brayden De Jonge (Year 11) for holding the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Flag with Brandy and Mrs Baldini.

Important Dates:
13th Feb - National Apology Day
15th Feb - Indigenous Year 7 Introduction
19th Mar - National Close the Gap Day
30th Mar - Cultural Day
31st Mar - Harmony Day
26th May - National Sorry Day
27th May - 3rd Jun - National Reconciliation Day

Kloe Mills Year 11
1st U19s Border Rescue
2nd U19s Swim Team
3rd U17s Board Rescue
5th U17s Individual Board Race
Charli Mills Year 7
1st Board Rescue
1st Cameron Relay
1st Surf Team
3rd Individual Iron Person
7th Individual Swim
This is a major achievement for both Kloe and Charli. The two girls spend a lot of time training hard and focusing on their goals. They are very proud of this achievement and everyone is very proud of them as well.

The NRRL competition is hosting Indigenous Round again this year, taking place in Round 10 (July 2nd-3rd). The round aims to highlight significant social issues affecting Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. It is also an opportunity for the game to cement our commitment to the Indigenous Community and celebrate the unique relationship between Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and the rugby league.
This season, Bilambil Jets are offering a unique chance for a local Indigenous Artist to create and design the concept and story behind our Indigenous Round jersey.
The design should be simple yet creative. It could tell a story of local area or animal and its significance to The Valley and/or surrounding communities.
Entries close April 1st and the winning design will be chosen by a selected Bilambil Jets panel. All match-worn jerseys will be available to purchase at auction after the game and the winning artist will be invited to attend the match, speak to the players and community prior to kick off and will be presented with a framed Jets Indigenous Round Jersey of their design!
Entrants must be of Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander descent defined by the following:
- is of Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander descent;
- Identifies as Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander
- is accepted as such by the community in which he or she lives or has lived
- provide the story and/or meaning behind the artwork
Please send entries to:
Tayah Logan
Indigenous Education Worker
The SRC team organised a Valentine’s Day Stall last week for Valentine’s Day which occured on Monday this week. They set up a stall at lunch where people could purchase a chocolate or rose for their special person or friend, with an option to write a message. The chocolates, flowers, and messages were delivered to homerooms by the SRC team on Valentine’s Day, with romantic music on arrival for people to receive their gift.
Overall, we were able to raise $100 for the school which will go towards future SRC school spirit activities.
MSPC would like to say a huge thank you to IGA Murwillumbah for their generous support of the Valentine’s Day Stall with a donation of roses! We appreciate your kindness.
SRC Team
Career planning for students on the autism spectrum – a webinar for parents and carers | Wednesday 9 March | 4.00pm (AEDT)
For 20 years, myfuture has been a trusted source of career information within the Australian education community providing content that is practical, targeted and developed by experts. As well as supporting students, teachers and career practitioners, myfuture provides tools and resources to help parents and carers support their child’s career exploration, engage them in career conversations, and raise awareness of post-school options.
In this Insights webinar, Associate Professor Marina Ciccarelli from Curtin University, and Cheryl Mangan from Autism CRC will provide information about the myWAY Employability evidence-based resources available to assist young people on the autism spectrum in transition planning, to build their employability, and maximise their potential.
Join us as the team from myWAY Employability discuss such topics as:
- Starting challenging conversations about the future
- Identifying personal strengths, interests, and sensory preferences to guide career exploration and work experiences
- Providing a just right challenge
- Building self-determination.
Register now for this free event:
Lisieux Co-ordinator’s Awards
Year 8: Max Palmer, Jack Bourke
Year 9: Cale Graham, Ethan Johnston, Jed Ryan, Lara Willis
Year 10: Alexander Crowley, Meisha Dwyer, Patrick Kee, Amelia Keyes
Year 11: Kaleb Boddie, Morgan O’Connor, Lucas Vidler, Joseph Colnan, Ella Rainford
Year 12: Hayley Mcfarlane, Oscar Fairbairn-Gray, Tessa Hendrikse, Grace Wolfe, Harrison Capner, Reagan McClymont, William Ryan-McGinn, Jamal Woods, Darkota Smith
Lisieux Principal’s Awards
Year 8: Jack Bourke
Year 9: Cale Graham, Jed Ryan
Year 10: Alexander Crowley, Meisha Dwyer, Amelia Keyes
Year 11: Morgan O’Connor
Year 12: Darkota Smith, William Ryan-McGinn, Jamal Woods, Tessa Hendrikse, Grace Wolfe
Lisieux College Awards
Year 12: Tessa Hendrikse, Grace Wolfe
Loreto Co-ordinator’s Awards
Year 8: Cooper Lynch, Eden Petrie, Olivia Bagnall, Clancy Greenbury, Taylor Anderson
Year 9: Joshua Hawkins, Jake Shackell (2)
Year 10: Alexis Pelikan, Cooper Robinson, Joshua Wharton
Year 12: Sidney Willis
Loreto Principal’s Awards
Year 8: Olivia Bagnall, Clancy Greenbury, Taylor Anderson
Year 9: Jake Shackell
Year 10: Alexis Pelikan, Joshua Wharton
Loreto College Awards
Year 9: Jake Shackell
Lucan Co-ordinator’s Awards
Year 8: Oliver Buchanan, Ivy Piticco, Oliver Brown, Zak Anstee, Stephanie Mayne, Kate Pryke, Jack Thornton
Year 9: Jack French, Deia Aggebrink-Jones, Jesse Barrett, Billi Hutton, Rhys Johnston, Phoebe Piticco, Lakota Sutcliffe
Year 10: Astra Fisher, Caitlyn Moore (2), Brooke Ryan, Maya Wheeler, Bryce Wilson
Year 11: Lucia Alexander, Elsie Biles
Year 12: Isabelle Logan
Lucan Principal’s Awards
Year 8: Oliver Buchanan, Oliver Brown, Jack Thornton
Year 9: Jesse Barrett, Billi Hutton, Phoebe Piticco
Year 10: Caitlyn Moore, Ryan Brooke
Year 11: Lucia Alexander
Year 12: Isabelle Logan
Lucan College Awards
Year 9: Jesse Barrett, Phoebe Piticco
Year 11: Lucia Alexander
Year 12: Isabelle Logan
Nagle Co-ordinator’s Awards
Year 8: Jack Murray, Maxwell Hunt, Chelsea Templeton, Tiarna Hall-Tosh
Year 9: Marni Simmonds, Uriah Gilson, Claudia Larkin, Ava McCabe, Felix Morin-Graue (2)
Year 10: Will Malloy, Imogen Andrews, Harrison Bugg, Bridget Hudson, Maya Rogers, Lily Yates
Year 11: Tashi Masterman, Leo Molinari, Ruby Cummins
Nagle Principal’s Awards
Year 8: Tiarna Hall-Tosh
Year 9: Uriah Gilson, Claudia Larkin
Year 10: Imogen Andrews, Harrison Bugg, Bridget Hudson
Year 11: Tashi Masterman
Nagle College Awards
Year 9: Uriah Gilson
Year 10: Imogen Andrews
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