MSPC Newsletter - Term 2 Week 8, 16th June 2022
Dear Parents/Caregivers,
Assessments and Examinations
Students have just finished a range of assessments. I have spoken to many students as I walk around the school at lunchtime and they seem to be very happy with how they went. Having a consistent approach to assessment across the years prepares students for the pressure of the HSC. It takes the pressure off, moving the focus to fulfilling the task requirements rather than on assessments in general. We often speak about an easy definition of culture as being “what we do around here”. We strive for a culture of preparing diligently so that we can achieve our best. There is no substitute for hard work and good habits will provide good results. The calmness of the students I spoke to demonstrates that this is working. I congratulate them on their approach to their studies.
Financial Hardship - Fee Relief and Grants
The floods caused hardships in our community. A reminder that there is an opportunity for fee relief from the Lismore Diocese as was sent out via email previously. If you are suffering financial hardship please contact our finance department on
The NSW Government created the Back Home grant as a one-off payment of up to $20,000 that is available to individuals and families who have been impacted by the February and March 2022 storms and floods. The eligibility criteria for the Back Home grant have been expanded. If you are a tenant and/or an owner occupier and meet the criteria, you will be able to apply once applications become available.
Final Thought
I was reading a reflection recently by Kieran O’Mahony where he outlined the four marks of Christian Belonging. These being:
- Our personal journey
- Our community belonging
- Our practical discipleship and
- Our adult integration of faith and life.
At Mount St Patrick College we hope to give opportunities that open our students’ hearts to this Christian Belonging and walk with them on their journey.
Be the Good and God Bless,
Paul Reidy
Assistant Principal - Mission
Year 8 students had a cold Adventure Camp experience prior to the recent Long Weekend. They rose to the challenge whilst some suffered acutely on the first night when the Blues lost! Thanks to the generous teachers who accompanied Year 8 on camp.

We will begin collecting monetary donations (to convert into vouchers at local businesses) and/or new blankets in homeroom each morning commencing next Monday 20th June. These gifts will be presented to the local MacKillop St Vincent de Paul Conference at our annual Sacred Heart Mass on Thursday 30th June. This will be the final day of attendance for College students in Term 2. It would be great if our College community could make a big effort in order to help those in serious need in our local area who would certainly be feeling the cold.
These photos will take place on Thursday 23rd June in the Gilbey Hall from 8am until 3.10pm. All students are to be in their full dress uniform for these photos. No Year 12 jerseys, Year 7 - 11 jumpers, jackets, cardigans, trackpants or hats will be worn in the photos.
The 2nd HPV Dose and catch-ups will be given next term on Wednesday 27th July.
They will take place in the Gilbey Hall beginning at 9.30am.
Information Kits regarding this free vaccination programme will be given to Year 10 students in homeroom next Monday 20th June. Parents who want their student/s to take advantage of the programme are asked to return the signed Consent Form as soon as possible via their student’s homeroom folder. The injections will be administered by trained nurses on Wednesday 27th July which is the second week of Term 3.
Mary-Anne McShane
Assistant Principal: Mission
Thank you to all those who have paid for the Ignite Youth Conference which will be held on Thursday 22nd – Sunday 25th September, 2022. More information to come closer to the event.
Shine offers students an opportunity to experience dynamic faith, to be equipped for ministry and living the Christian life, and to be empowered to impact the Church and the world. It is an opportunity to gather and share an experience of faith. Shine is being held on Thursday 18th – Friday 19th August, 2022 at St John Paul College, Coffs Harbour. It is a compulsory event for students in both our Year 9 and 10 Youth Ministry classes.
The Shine Compass event is now Live. Payment and consent can be completed through the Compass App.
Years 7, 8 and 9 will be taking part in Reflection Days here at the College in Week 1 of Term 3. These will be great days to start off the new term and are a compulsory activity for students. Students may wear their sports uniform on these days. They will need to bring recess and lunch as normal and attend homeroom in the morning.
- Year 7 - Tuesday 19th July
- Year 9 - Wednesday 20th July
- Year 8 - Thursday 21st July
The Term 2 NOVO is fast approaching. The aim of NOVO is to provide students from Years 7-12 the opportunity to build community within the school, to share fellowship with one another and to be involved in faith-forming activities. The NOVO program will include music, activities, dinner (small cost) and lots of fun!
NOVO is being run by our YMOs, Mikayla and Emma.
Date: Friday 24th June
Time: 4pm-7pm
Venue: Gilbey Centre here at MSPC
Cost: $5.00
Dress code is mufti and students will need to be collected by parents or caregivers at 7pm. It's not too late to join in!
Get a note from our YMOs Emma and Mikayla.
God Bless.
Grace Molloy
Leader of Evangelisation
Assistant Principal - Learning & Teaching
Students are completing assessments for the semester this week and staff are busily marking and providing students with feedback. Reports are being prepared on our new platform - COMPASS and will look quite different to the format we have used previously. However, the main ingredients are provided: A Grade; What the students can do; and comments on work practices.
The new direction of school reporting is to report on what the student can do rather than providing marks, ranks, and averages. This is a standards-referenced approach rather than comparing students to each other. An opportunity to discuss your child’s progress will be provided at the parent/teacher/student interviews in Term 3. Year 7 and 10 Interviews will be held on Thursday 28th July. Year 8 and 9 Interviews will take place on Thursday 25th August.
Please make yourself available to attend the meetings. However, contact can be made with a staff member anytime via email.
Year 12 students are currently completing assessments. After the assessment week will be two weeks of school to gain feedback and complete course work before the mid-year break. This break will be an opportunity for students to recharge but they will need to devote time to preparing for the HSC Trial Exams in Weeks 3 and 4. These assessment tasks are the last assessments for the students to improve or maintain their rank. They are also very important in gaining valuable experience preparing for formal exams. Each student has been allocated a mentor to support them through the final stage of their schooling at Mt St Pats. The mentoring program has been an essential ingredient of our success in the HSC.
Next week students from Year 12 and Year 11 Accelerants will be travelling to Sydney for beneficial HSC workshops in Biology, Chemistry and History. This opportunity is invaluable to our students but unfortunately, we have been unable to attend for the last 2 year due to COVID. The students find the whole experience motivating as they mingle with other students from Sydney schools and move around the impressive grounds of Sydney University. Best wishes to all for an enjoyable experience!
Narelle Sherrah
Assistant Principal: Learning and Teaching
Thank you to Year 8 and the teachers who attended the recent camp at Redland Bay. After two years of not being able to do such things, it was a great opportunity for students to spend time building rapport with teachers, creating new friendships or strengthening existing ones. It was cold but the students had fun challenging themselves and having fun doing the activities.

Year 11 students have been sent a google form to complete to indicate if they are interested in one of the Year 12 leadership positions for their last year of school. They are privileged in that they will be the first group ever to form this new leadership structure which will include 8 houses. As we continue the proud tradition of Mt St Pat’s, this change will highlight the emphasis that our College is placing on student wellbeing and school spirit. It is well researched that if students feel connected to the school and if their social and emotional wellbeing is healthy, then academic outcomes thrive. Please encourage your children to consider one of the leadership positions.
Wellbeing focus this week is Engagement plus Mindfulness and the Character Strength is Sense of Meaning.
Louise Shields
Leader of Pastoral Care
Week 8 has been a busy week all round at the College. Years 8, 9 and 10 have now completed an array of assessment tasks and have begun working on new topics in various subject areas. Feedback from assessment provides students with an important opportunity to reflect on what they have done well and areas they could improve to move their learning forward. A lot is gained from this experience.
It was wonderful to meet parents and carers of our Year 10 students last night at the Year 10 into 11 subject information evening. Ms Keeley Serone our Leader of Careers will email the powerpoint shortly, which will contain key dates for this process.
Our Year 11 and 12 have nearly completed their Term 2 Assessment block. It is important, especially for Year 12, that they maintain momentum now in the lead up to the HSC Trial Examinations which are scheduled for Weeks 3 and 4 next term.
The following table details the upcoming assessments for Weeks 9 and 10. Students should always check their assessment calendar on the Assessment Portal, to ensure changes have not been made since this publication.

Jo McDonald
Leader of Curriculum
Faculty News
NSWCCC Hockey Championships, Bathurst 30th May – 1st June
After a two-year hiatus caused by the Covid-19 pandemic, Mt St Pats were finally able to send teams to the NSWCCC Hockey Championships, held in Bathurst from Tuesday 31st May to Wednesday 1st June. Departing from the front of the College at 6am on the Monday 30th May, along with the Open Girls team from St Joseph’s College, Banora Point, the chill in the air did little to prepare us for what Bathurst had to offer. After a 14-hour journey, the girls arrived at our accommodation for the next two nights, The Hallows…some thought it looked like something from Harry Potter, until we saw the school down the road the next day! Due to a large number of students being unavailable at short notice, 4 girls from St John Paul College, Coffs Harbour joined the 16 members from MSPC, 3 for the Junior Girls, and 1 for the Senior Girls team. Neither team had a goalkeeper, but we had the gear, so it was decided to take turns learning the craft.
Senior Girls
Our first game was against Santa Sabina, Strathfield, and we took to the field without a goalkeeper, preferring to use an extra fullback. This ended up being a wise decision, as we were never threatened at the back, winning the game 10-0. It was a good game to have first, as many players hadn’t played together for quite some time, and the Junior girls who joined us fitted in very well.
The second match, against Red Bend Forbes was a closer affair, with Ulani playing in goals, after playing in the previous game for the Junior girls. In a free flowing match, MSPC dominated most of the play, and the final result of 2-0 meant that we were heading in the right direction.
Then came the rain!
The third match, against MacKillop, Bathurst was due to be played on grass at 2:30pm, but with the safety of the players in mind, the grass games were postponed. The rescheduled game was to be played at 4:45pm. Now, at that time in the afternoon, the temperature had already dropped to 2°C (feels like – 1.2°C according to the BOM), and the rain was driven horizontal by the gale force winds…a perfect evening for hockey! Even the Bathurst girls wanted to come off the field. Our girls fought our way back from 0-2 to make it 1-2, but with two late goals disallowed, the loss meant we finished 2nd in our Pool to Bathurst.
The next day saw us take on Trinity, Goulburn, who had won their Pool convincingly. A win was our only option. After a hard-fought first half where neither team could make a breakthrough, a decisive strike in the second half saw us lead 1-0, and we managed to hang on until the end of the match, meaning we were through to the semi-final against Trinity, Lismore.
The semi-final was a very even affair. Again, we had to win, as Trinity had won their Pool. Going up 1-0 early, a late goal just before half-time saw it evenly poised at 1-1 at the break. Another goal from MSPC had us leading 2-1 and looking the stronger team, but with 2 minutes to go, a goal-line scramble saw Trinity level the score 2-2, which was the final result. This meant Trinity went on to the Final (which they won), and MSPC were in the 3rd place playoff, against Bathurst.
In much warmer conditions, MSPC dominated the game, going ahead 1-0, before Bathurst levelled just before half-time. Our girls were determined to make the trip worthwhile, and totally dominated the second half, adding a further 2 goals to make the final score 3-1. A well-deserved Bronze medal for finishing third in the State for an outstanding group of students.
I have not mentioned any students individually in this report, as they were a complete team. They worked so well together, and played each game with great spirit and sportsmanship.
The Senior Girls were:
Fiona Laybutt, Jayde Shultz, Edith Hampson, Rose Hampson, Grace Wolfe, Kiana McCabe, Kelsey Wyborn, Olivia Mason, Ava McCabe (J), Kiani Byrnes (J), Ayla East (J), Ulani Uhlmann(J), Lucy MacPherson (Coffs Harbour), Quinn Doolan (J, Coffs Harbour)
A huge thank you to Quinn and Lucy, who played outstandingly in all games, with Lucy playing the three games on Wednesday in goals, and doing a tremendous job.

Junior Girls
Our first game was against Monte St Angelo College, North Sydney, played on the grass field in the driving rain…in fact, it was during this game that the decision to postpone all the further matches on grass. Regardless of the conditions, MSPC fought hard, but fair, and dominated proceedings. The final score of 6-0 to Mt St Pats was a fair indication of the difference between the two teams, although many chances had been missed in the trying conditions. An excellent effort first up, and a good game to get some combinations together.
The second game would be much harder, as we were playing against Mackillop Bathurst, and they were determined to make their home advantage work in their favour. In a very tight first half, MacKillop went ahead early, only for our girls to hit back with the first of our goals. Another from Bathurst swung the pendulum in their favour, but just before half-time, we struck again to make it 2-2 at the break. It was a different game in the second half, with MSPC again taking the reins and controlling the game, and with 2 more goals to MSPC, the final score of 4-2 meant the girls had won their Pool.
Wednesday came and with it a semi-final against St Joseph’s College, Gosford, who had finished second in their Pool. MSPC started strongly, but could not get an early breakthrough. As the first half went on, the tide began to turn and the goals started to flow…1-0, 2-0, 3-0…and with MSPC’s confidence rising, the final score of MSPC 6 St Joseph’s 0 meant the girls were into the Final, against McCarthy College, Tamworth.
The final was a very hard fought affair, with both teams showing a bit of weariness after a busy schedule…more-so our girls, four of them having played for the Senior team twice already in the day. A goal from McCarthy just before the break left us with a huge task in the second half, and with 5 minutes to go and our girls on the attack, a breakaway from Tamworth saw them seal the win 0-2. The outcome of this? MSPC had come second in the State with a group of students who had not played together before. An absolutely outstanding effort from this fantastic team!
The Junior girls were:
Ava McCabe, Kiani Byrnes, Ava Parsons, Ebony Roach, Ulani Uhlmann, Sienna Peddle, Ayla East, Lillian Corby, Quinn Doolan (Coffs Harbour), Tayla Wallace (Coffs Harbour), Aneika Gallatly (Coffs Harbour)
A huge thanks to Ellen Seller for her outstanding work with the Junior Girls, and the organization of both teams. Big thanks to Tom Gresham for looking after the equipment, the camera and support of the girls in all of their games. Huge thanks to Angus Jones, the best driver in the world, for getting us to and from Bathurst, and for the special victory lap around Mt Panorama.
Mark Hoy (Coach)

Junior Boys
On Thursday 9th June, a keen group of young footballers travelled to Coffs Harbour to compete in the 2022 Diocesan Junior Football Championships. The day started with a game against our local rivals, St Joseph’s College Banora Point. The boys played some good football coming away with a 3-0 victory.
The next two games were back to back for the team against a well-drilled team from Coffs Harbour where we let 5 goals through. Next was a very physical game against St Paul’s Kempsey. In a hard-fought game we were unlucky to let two late goals in after putting up a real fight.
Our final match was against MacKillop College, Port Macquarie. This would prove to be our last game of the day. The boys played some attractive football and salvaged some points for a 2-0 victory to end on a positive note.
Mr Dean Bressan (Coach)

Junior Girls
The junior girls and boys, 26 in total, were bright eyed and enthusiastic when the coach arrived at 5am to take us to Coffs for the Junior Championships. The weather was beautiful which made it a very enjoyable day.
Our team was relatively young with a lot of Year 7 girls getting their first opportunity to represent the College. The young team played their hearts out all day in true Mt St Patrick fashion but were unable to match it in the “group of death” with some much older more experienced players. Your time will come, be patient girls!
The team’s improvement was obvious throughout the day. The teamwork and spirit were obvious to see and now with their 2022 experience I am sure the team will be hard to beat in 2023.
Miss Brodie Palmer (Coach)

Under 14 Catholic Schools from across our Northern Region assembled at the only dry league field we could play on, Xavier College.With the Xavier College watching on, many exciting games of junior football were played on Thursday 2nd June.
Mt St Patrick played 3 games. We had a late start which meant we played two games back to back. St Joseph's Banora and then straight away against St Mary's Casino. In our second game against St Mary's they scored two early tries, however, that is were their dominance stopped. Hard running and classy tackling put the brakes on St Mary's attack. We did not win but only lost by two points which meant we were ahead of Casino on points in for and against. This put us in a play off game against Woodlawn.
The team had 10min rest between game 2 and 3. Here, Woodlawn were expected to dominate but we certainly gave them a scare. Yes, Woodlawn won but not before we had matched tries with them and they only over ran us in the last 5 minutes of the game to win 12-6. MSPC fighting spirit was on display. Well done boys you fought hard.

Two weeks ago all households were sent a compass notification asking for indications as to how your sons and daughters would be travelling to the Carnival. You can drop your children off at the venue from 7.30pm if it is convenient, but if they come to school as normal, Mt St Patrick will be booking buses to get all students and staff to, and from, the oval. To assist with our planning for this, if you have not already done so, could each household please click the link below and complete the google form to confirm numbers by next Wednesday 22nd June, at the latest. Thanks for your assistance in this matter.
Students have been nominating for the 1500m event which will be held at school the day before the Carnival. Also students are reminded that if they wish to compete in the High Jump event, they will need to have collected a permission note and have it returned to Mr Gresham by Monday 20th June.
Year 9
Students in Year 9 will be split into 3 groups and participate in striking sports on a three-week rotation. Each Friday they will be involved in Tennis, Softball or Hockey. Families are reminded that students will need their own mouth guard to participate in the hockey sessions led by development officers from Tweed Border Hockey. Sticks and shin pads will be supplied, students who have their own equipment are encouraged to bring their own.
Year 10
The Year 10 cohort will be focused on fitness. The 6 groups will rotate through each of the following activities during their Tuesday sessions:
- Red Box Gym
- Envision
- Brazilian Jiu Jitsu (self defence)
- Circuit class at College gym
- Bushwalk
- Guided Yoga session
Students will need their own towel and water bottle when visiting local gyms.
Year 11
Fortnightly our Year 11 students will be leaving the College and rotating through the following:
- Ten Pin Bowling
- Epic Skating
- Bushwalking
Costs are included in the Sport Levy paid. Students are reminded that under current restrictions face masks are still required on all charter buses when leaving the grounds.
Tim Whitney
Sports Coordinator
Students from Years 7 to 11 made trips over to Mt St Patrick Primary School throughout the day to read books by various indigenous authors to classes from Kinder to Year 6. The College students did these readings as a build up to Reconciliation Week.

Reconciliation day at Mt St Pat’s is everyone coming together to ‘be brave’ and ‘make a change.’ At the College Assembly, we watched a video created with our Indigenous students and school community about what Reconciliation is and how we show it in our school.

Mavis rested on the fence line. Her body was sore and tired, but her mind was not. Back and forth. Back and forth, her mind ticked, working hard to remember. She looked up, meeting the galaxy of colours that painted the sky, reaching far and vast along the land. A warm breeze glided over her, bringing with it what Mavis had been searching for.
She closed her eyes, thinking back, remembering.
The scent of native florals and open fires, smoking and crackling with bush tucker. She began to hear the clapsticks, clapping with purpose and rhythm, the vocal calls that once enchanted her, the cries of joy and laughter chasing each other around the open pit. Ochre painted their brown sunkissed skin as they danced. An orchestra of movements, a symphony of deep reds and shimmering yellows, feet clutching the dry earth, the feeling rushing up through their bodies, connecting to a land that would always be theirs. A place where they all belonged. Where the elders would tell stories of the Dreamtime, vibrant serpents bleeding into refreshing waterways. Mavis would fall asleep under the stars and the old dark feathered eagle would fly above her. Guarding her dreams.
She remembered what her mother had once told her.
“The eagle will always lead you home”.
Her mother.
How long had it been?
How long since she had felt the embrace of her mothers loving arms, eyes that seemed to be as knowing as the stars.
And the rest of them.
Her people, her mob, the people who taught her to dance, to sing, to play music, to weave, to hunt. The people who taught her about a culture so beautiful it had been here since the beginning of time, a culture she belonged to, a culture that ran through her blood.
The sharp and immediate call woke her up.
She realized where she was. A long way from home. A feeling of immense loneliness fell over her as she awoke to the present.
286 days since she had been stolen.
Stolen from all she had ever known and all she had ever loved. Thrown into the back of an old sheep shearer's truck and stripped of her identity. She could no longer speak her own tongue, hunt, or dance. instead, she learnt etiquette and housework, a white-washed life where she was destined to serve others.
For the first few months she found herself among people who reminded her of home. They were from different mobs, from all around, all taken to the same place, all stripped of their life, all indoctrinated with the same new ideas.
Then, she was sent to the farm.
Mavis worked tireless hours, her hands soon formed blisters from all the work, reminding her of her mother's hands, rough from weaving.
“Mavis!” This woman’s voice was nothing like her mothers, it was shrill and mean, like the rest of the new ‘family’.
While the calls of her name haunted her, she knew not to let there be a third call.
She slumped off the fence line and began to walk towards the house.
But then she heard it.
A sound that seemed to reignite her. A powerful and strong call that reminded her of home. Mavis turned around and there it was. The old dark feathered eagle. Soaring high above, it’s eyes trained on her.
“The eagle will always lead you home.”
mavis didn’t need to see or hear anything else, she felt it in her bones, a rushing sensation, the feeling of hope and belonging slowly starting to fill her back up again.
“Mavis!” third time the charm.
She ran.
Clearing the fence line she flew over the brown plains and out into the horizon of the painted sky. She ran, and ran, and ran, never daring to look back. Imagining running straight into her mother’s arms.
Every so often her eyes would trail from the horizon and move up to the sky following the old dark feathered eagle, a constant beacon of light among the dark and long journey.
Mavis ran for a long time, at night she would rest, once again one with the stars, the eagle flying overhead before disappearing into the darkness. As the morning came she would awaken and begin running again. Each day following the eagle, letting it guide her home, careful to hide in the shadows, terrified of being found and caught and stolen, again.
Then one evening, many weeks later, the old dark feathered eagle was gone. Panic set into Mavis, terrified she’d get lost and be caught, until…
The scent of native florals and bushtucker roasting on an open fire filled her nostrils with familiarity. Memories flooded back as salty tears washed away the pain of the journey. She knew these parts. The waterhole perfect for catching cod, the thick bush where Mavis and her cousins would run through laughing and joyful. The rock face where Mavis would sit and think of what the elders had told her, a time long ago, where great monsters roamed a flat and windy plain, bringing with them creation and beauty.
“Mavis!” this call was different
“Mavis!” This call was warm and familiar.
“Mavis!” she turned around to see a woman bounding towards her. Tears fell down their eyes and Mavis’ mother held her followed by the rest of her mob. For the first time in 286 days Mavis felt whole again.
She had made it.
Looking up into the sky she was filled with something irreplaceable, filled with something that could only ever be found right where she was. The old dark feathered eagle soared above her, calling out into the world.
Home. She was home.
Sierra McDonald (Year 9)
Lisieux Co-ordinator’s Awards
Year 7: William Harrop
Year 11: Tobehukwu Malu, Nicholas Gordon, Blake Cracknell, Isaac Gibson
Loreto Co-ordinator’s Awards
Year 7: Elijah Byrnes, Charlie Devoy, Indigo Tonks, Olivia Wicks, Floyd Usher, Luca Horton, Chloe Trute, Millie Ewing, Nathan Bray-Verdich, Shanaye Hodges, Charlotte Mathewson, David Adams
Year 9: Alexia Adams
Year 10: William Wallace, Anastacia Bleakley, John Dunbar
Year 11: Cashlin Townsend, Tahu Aldred-Sutherland
Loreto Principal’s Awards
Year 7: Millie Ewing
Year 11: Tahu Aldred-Sutherland
Lucan Co-ordinator’s Awards
Year 7: Oliver Barrett, Lucia Perkins, Lachlan Daly
Year 10: Astra Fisher
Year 11: Isaac Douglas
Year 12: Monique Friend
Nagle Co-ordinator’s Awards
Year 7: Sienna Cleak, Skylar Dow
Year 9: Jamie Howitt, Nitchanan (Amy) Siripiboon
Year 10: Jacob Lanyon
Nagle Principal’s Awards
Year 9: Nitchanan (Amy) Siripiboon