MSPC Newsletter - Term 3 Week 6, 26th August 2022
Dear Parents/Caregivers,
Feast of the Assumption
On Monday 15th August, the College celebrated mass for the Assumption of Mary. It was wonderful to have the entire College community back into the beautiful Sacred Heart Parish Church. Mary has a special place in the hearts of all Catholics and especially so at Mount St Patrick College with our foundation legacy of the Presentation Sisters with their special devotion to Mary.
Culture is what we do
I spoke to students last week and I defined culture as what we do. I emphasised that while it is informed by our history, it is the manner we act in relationships with each other, in our approach to all aspects of College Life that make culture real. In many ways the values and standards we hold dear are counter to the broader culture and we are proud of that. That is the attraction of Mount St Patrick College. It is an ongoing struggle against an evermore self-centred, materialistic society, that we ask students to go beyond themselves from the me to the us, where our achievements are for the community, for the greater good. There have been recent incidents that operate below the surface that do not uphold these values, which I am sure that you share. Nano Nagle would encourage us to act, deeds not words, and for our culture to be authentic it must not just be what we say but what we do.
I feel strongly that social media can have a forceful negative influence on the beliefs and actions of our students, who are often subjected to material that they are not able to critically evaluate. Andrew Tate, who I wrote to you about this week, is an example of this. Amazingly, in the 5 days since I first heard of him he was banned from all platforms. Yet he has been influencing sections of our population for months. This is an example of influences that are outside of our usual control and yet have a powerful adverse effect on our young people and our College culture. It is a lesson for us all to be in open conversations with our young people, so we are aware of the material they are accessing and are able to guide them in their journey.
‘Tell Them From Me’ Survey
Most students and staff have completed the ‘Tell Them From Me’ surveys designed to provide targeted information for the College to develop our ongoing School Improvement Plans. Parents have also been emailed an opportunity to respond. I encourage you to provide constructive, considered and thoughtful feedback which will enable our future plans to be authentic to the voice of the entire community of staff, students and parents. The survey window closes at 4.30pm on Wednesday 31st August.
Be the Good and God Bless,
Paul Reidy
Assistant Principal - Mission
This free student-driven initiative is on tomorrow, Friday morning 26th August in the Gilbey Foyer.
Tomorrow is the day when all students will dress in their homeroom’s chosen theme and make a gold coin donation for the Solomon Islands Immersion Project. From 1.10pm there will be food stalls, games and activities for students to enjoy and spend their ‘pocket money’ on. The afternoon will culminate at 2.20pm with the Staff vs Student Touch extravaganza which the Staff will no doubt win!
A special breakfast to acknowledge our students’ mothers and fathers will be held on Thursday 8th September from 7 – 8.20pm at the Gilbey Hall. The breakfast will be catered for by our Year 11 Hospitality class and their teacher Mr Rimell and will include our budding baristas using the new coffee cart we have purchased. Please download the invitation below and click the link to RSVP. I look forward to seeing you there.
Mary-Anne McShane
Assistant Principal: Mission
Last Thursday 18th and Friday 19th August our Year 9 and 10 Youth Ministry classes and some student leaders from Years 11 and 12 attended the SHINE Conference in Coffs Harbour. It was a fun-filled opportunity for them to discover what their faith looks like, by listening to personal testimonies from guest speakers and students from around the diocese. A big thank you to Mrs Angela Finkel, Mrs Cathy Cripps, Mr Tom Gresham and our YMOs Emma and Mikayla for attending the event with the students. The students were exceptional. A big thank you also to all the parents and caregivers who were waiting after our extended bus ride home on Friday evening! We appreciate your patience! Following are personal testimonies from our students'.
Enya McCarthy Yr 10
Shine was an eye-opening experience. Arriving at St John Paul College we were welcomed by the YMOs dancing, I immediately felt welcomed and was so excited to be there. The night rally was so fun jumping up and down with friends and getting to know people from other schools across the diocese.
Kate Warren Yr 9
My experience at Shine was so much fun. I learnt more about my faith, and the workshops were fun. My highlight was the night rally. I had a lot of fun dancing with my friends and meeting new people from across the dioceses.
Elijah Kirk Yr 11
Shine was a great experience to have as it really strengthened my relationship with God. My highlight of the experience was the multiple workshops I did where I learnt a lot about myself and who I was and where I came from in “Origins”. A challenge for me was trying to connect myself with my religion.
Jack French Yr 9
My Shine experience was awesome and I had a great time. My highlight was being able to hangout with my friends while making a stronger connection with God. I learnt a lot about my faith and what it means to be a follower of God.

The Ignite Conference is fast approaching with just under a month to go. Thanks to all the students who have registered. The students should have been emailed a link to select their workshops. Please make sure they are completed as soon as possible as they fill up fast. If there are any issues, please don’t hesitate to have students contact either myself or the YMOs Emma and Mikayla. Students will travel via bus on Thursday 22nd September to Brisbane and return on Sunday 25th evening to the College. More details to come in the next few weeks.
On Wednesday 7th September (Week 8), all of Year 8 will participate in a Ministry Day called ‘Catch the Wave’. This day will allow students to experience some faith-based workshops and activities as well as listening to the band ‘Wildfire’. From here, students will get the opportunity to apply to be in the Year 9 Youth Ministry class for 2023. Year 8 students will be emailed more details next week.
God bless
Grace Molloy
Leader of Evangelisation
Assistant Principal - Learning and Teaching
Congratulations to the many students who are receiving Academic Excellence and Merits Awards for their efforts in Semester 1. Academic Excellence awards are presented to students who achieve first place in a subject. Academic Merits are awarded by the teacher for various reason such as growth, diligence and effort. Congratulations to the students who didn’t receive an award but acknowledged those students who did. At Mt St Patrick College we celebrate each other's success. Those students who didn’t receive an award in Semester 1 can aim to achieve one in Semester 2.
Thank you to the parents who attended Parent/Teacher/Student conferences to discuss your child’s progress. It is important to work in partnership to achieve the best educational outcomes. Often parents can give the teachers valuable insights into what helps their children learn.

Last Monday the staff were given the opportunity to attend a workshop with Auntie Doreen Flanders the Aboriginal Education Officer from the Catholic Schools Office. Auntie lead the staff through the Action Plan for the Education of our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples. It was an enriching experience as teachers added to their cultural awareness hoping to improve the knowledge of our whole community and to continue to build an inclusive environment at the College.
We are very proud of the work that is being completed in the College by our IEW’s and inclusion team.
Narelle Sherrah
Assistant Principal Learning and Teaching
Wellbeing focus this week is Positive Emotion and Gratitude and the Character Strength is Love
Louise Shields
Leader of Pastoral Care
Year 12 have now completed their Trial Examinations and there are many exciting events for them to look forward to. They have worked hard and we encourage Year 12 to remain focused on their studies. Now is an important time where students can continue to grow and consolidate their knowledge, skills and understanding of the complex texts, content and concepts they have studied. Year 12 should continue to work closely with their teachers, complete past exam papers under timed exam conditions, attend scheduled lessons and tutorials, and be proactive in seeking feedback to refine their revision notes and materials.
Term 3 is a busy time for all students at the college. The following are some timely reminders for all year groups of the steps needed for being prepared for assessments. Students should:
- check dates on the Assessment Google Calendar.
- read carefully the details required for an assessment. This can be found on the MSPC Assessment Portal, along with other important information regarding assessments. Students can access this using their school login and password.
- Additional resources / details may be resourced in Google classrooms as directed by the Classroom Teacher.

MSPC Assessment Portal:
In preparing for assessments, students should:
- set up a quiet space at home where they can focus and prepare for their assessment.
- practice writing under timed conditions where this is a skill required for an assessment.
- keep a copy of assessment answers. This can be a photograph or a scan of written work and can be uploaded to a student’s Google Drive for safe keeping.
If students are unsure of what is expected, they are encouraged to be proactive and ask for help from their teacher or the Leader of Learning for that subject.
I wish students all the best with their studies and encourage them to stay focused and to do their best.
Please see below for assessments scheduled for the next two weeks.
Assessments Term 3 - Weeks 7 and 8: The following table details assessments for:

Jo McDonald
Leader of Curriculum
Faculty News

National Science Week is an opportunity for everyone to talk science, see science and do science. The 2022 schools theme is Glass: more than meets the eye. This theme provides an excellent opportunity to understand a household item in a new light. Glass has many useful properties, which has led to it being used in various applications from kitchenware to telescopes.
Here are some photos of our science doing Science Week activities.

Jackie Tilsley
Science Teacher
Abigkail from the Murwillumbah Cultural Centre came in during Period 3 on Tuesday 23rd August to do a lesson of craft in preparation for the Kinship Festival which is taking place on 24th September at Knox Park. The students learnt how to make paint out of tree resin and ochre to then use on a sheet for a display at the festival.

Abigkail from the Murwillumbah Cultural Centre came in during Period 3 on Tuesday 23rd August to do a lesson of craft in preparation for the Kinship Festival which is taking place on 24th September at Knox Park. The students learnt how to make paint out of tree resin and ochre to then use on a sheet for a display at the festival.

Madi Van Rosi
Indengious Education Worker
Throughout Term 2 Year 7 RE classes explored ways in which we are all Called to be Stewards of Creation. Mr Tim Kelly from the Catholic Schools Office spoke to the classes about some of the damage people have caused the planet, and students investigated ways they can be stewards of creation within our own school community.
Groups from each PBL class were chosen to pitch their ideas to all of Year 7, with Mrs Tilsley and representatives from the School Environment Group to decide on a winning group, where $500 could be spent to make their project happen.
The teams that presented on the day were:
7B & 7C - Sensor Lights: Jada, Myla, Lochie and Liam
7B & 7C - Reusable Water System: Oriana, Donovan, Charlie and Darnika
7D & 7G - Water Refill Station: James, Claudia, Sonny and Oscar
7D & 7G - Drink Bottle Stickers: Noah, Ethan, Hayden, Amali and Chelsea
7M & 7O - Reusable Ground Duty Slips: Connor, Mietta, Harlo and Rosie
7M & 7O - Native Bees: Isla, Sienna, Holli, Ollie and Miki
We congratulate the amazing finalists and especially the winners, Noah, Ethan, Hayden, Amali and Chelsea, for their initiative to make house-coloured name stickers for students to put on their drink bottles. They recognised a way to solve the vast number of unnamed drink bottles in lost property going to landfill. We look forward to working with the TAS department in Term 4 to make the stickers.

Chelsea, Ethan, Noah and Hayden with some of the drink bottles from lost property.
Thank you to the fabulous Year 7 students and their teachers for all the wonderful ideas they came up with on how we can be stewards of creation.
Year 8 students are learning about Missionaries, Martyrs and Witnesses to Faith. Their research about a contemporary Christian witness will look at how we are inspired by others to live out Christian values and beliefs and by doing so ‘Be the Good’.
Year 9 students are reflecting on The Search for Meaning for some of life’s enduring questions. Students are contributing responses to questions on blackboards around the school and will investigate human responses to life experiences.

Year 10 students are investigating vocations, in particular the Sacraments at the Service of Communion. Students prepared mock marriages, developing an appreciation of how a husband and wife are called to be witnesses of Christ’s love. Their assignment was to create a pamphlet for young people to assist in promoting the significance and importance of the Sacrament of Marriage.

10G Nuptial Mass

10B Wedding Party
On Thursday 28th July the Year 10 Youth Ministry class assisted at St Joseph’s Primary South Murwillumbah with their Minyama Retreat Day.
Students led small groups, focusing on the theme for the day, WE ARE THE CHURCH - How to be a Disciple of Christ in today's world.
Activity 1: On this Rock - The importance of St Peter in the Mission of Jesus Christ for the church.
Activity 2: The Church within Us - The church is not just a building - it's the people.
Activity 3: Disciples of Christ - We, the people, are His Disciples.
Activity 4: Hearts of Courage - In order to be a disciple we need to have courage.
Activity 5: The Tale of Three Trees - To trust that God has a plan for us as his disciples.
The primary school students rotated through the five activities, culminating in a shared liturgy at the end of the day. They shared a barbeque lunch together and enjoyed a game of bull rush on the playground.
Thank you to all the students that led small groups, and our Youth Ministry Officers, Mikayla and Emma for making this day possible. A huge thank you to Mrs Hughes, Leader of Evangelisation at the primary school for all her hard work in organising the day.

Angela Finkel
Leader of Catechesis
Mid-August saw 22 of our Year 7and 8 boys travel to the Cavanbah AFL Centre in Byron Bay. They were competing against 4 other Catholic Colleges in the Northern Rivers Aussie Rules Gala Day. Our first game was our toughest, narrowly overcoming St Joseph’s Banora Point. The boys gained a great deal of confidence from this match which enabled them to defeat Casino by 5 goals then Woodlawn by 6 goals, and finally McAuley Catholic College by 8 goals, resulting in Mount St Patrick College winning the Shield for 2022.
All members of the team displayed good sportsmanship throughout the carnival and were a credit to Mount St Patrick College. A special thank you to our leadership group Sam Hynes, Xavier Elliott, Lachie Adams and Will Johnston who led the group admirably, both on and off the field, throughout the day.
Rick Van Den Driest, Coach
Thomas Gresham, Assistant Coach

On Tuesday 23rd August Year 9 and 10 boys ventured to the Cavanbah Centre to partake in the NRCC Intermediate Aussie Rules Gala Day. The sun was shining and the conditions were dry, which suited MSPC boys who love to play fast and take the game on. First up was St Joseph's Banora Point who always provide a good contest. MSPC were too strong, winning confidently 50-18. Next was St John's College Woodlawn who really challenged us, however once again we were too strong winning 60-45. The boys then had a triumphant 114-7 victory over McAuley College Grafton, before the Grand Final rematch against Woodlawn. At this stage the boys were undefeated, and the Grand Final was no different as they won, playing great team footy against a tough, physical opposition 59-14.
There were too many best players on the day to begin naming a select few, so I will refrain from doing so. What was most impressive on the day was not just the sportsmanship and pride that the boys played with, but the way the team bonded with each other and looked to embrace team mates from different codes or those new to AFL. Thanks to all helpers and Mr Whitney for convening the day. Well done boys!
JakeHetherington, Coach

A record number of competitors attended the Diocesan Athletics Carnival on Wednesday 24th August. Mt St Pat's students gave a good account of themselves on the day with everyone giving their best.
Congratulations to Liam Monaghan who achieved Age Champion for 12 year Boys. Samuel Hynes and Elijah Keyes were placed equal third for 14 Boys, and Amali Moore third for 15 Year Girls. Mount St Patrick College placed fourth overall of the twelve schools from the Diocese who competed. Some high achievers include:
Oriana Greensill- 12 Girls 200m 2nd
Liam Monaghan- 12 Boys 400m 1st
Liam Monaghan- 12 Boys 800m 1st
Willa Hoffmann - 13 Girls High Jump 2nd
Mikkel Gronholt- 13 Boys 1500m 2nd
Max Palmer- 13 Boys Shot Put 1st
Lachlan Thomas- 13 Boys Triple Jump 1st
Lucy Grant- 14 Girls Long Jump 2nd
Willo Fletcher- 14 Girls 100m 2nd
Elijah Keyes- 14 Boys 100m 2nd
Elijah Keyes- 14 Boys Long Jump 2nd
Elijah Keyes- 14 Boys High Jump 2nd
Cain Twomey- 14 Boys Discus 2nd
Sam Hynes- 14 Boys 800m 1st
Sam Hynes- 14 Boys 1500m 1st
Amali Moore- 15 Girls 800m 2nd
Tex Mikkleson- 15 Boys 1500m 2nd
Savarna Wheatley- 16 Girls Long Jump 1st
Zayne Chisholm- 16 Boys Javelin 1st
Lily Van Den Driest- Open Girls Discus 2nd
Charlotte Foster- Open Girls Triple Jump 1st
Some of these students will be eligible for the NSWCCC Interdiocesan Athletics Championships in Sydney in September.
Well done to everyone who competed on the day, with high participation rates and great school spirit displayed. A big thanks to all the parents who made the trip to lend their support. It's great to have high level competition like this happening again after a two year break.
With many talented athletes at the school we should have a strong contingent going forward for future years.
Stewart Grant, Angela Finkel, Tom Gresham and Tim Whitney
- Compass notifications have been sent to all families involved in the Diocesan Netball Carnival at Port Macquarie on 8th Please stick to the deadline and provide consent and payment.
- NRCC Hockey will be sent shortly. Teams have held meetings at school and teams are being finalised. This event will be held in Lismore on 13th
- Cricket, coaches will shortly be calling for meetings for interested cricketers to sort out teams in upcoming summer tournaments.
Tim Whitney
Sports Coordinator
College News

Lisieux Co-ordinator’s Awards
Year 7: Aiden Jones, Sienna Lockwood, Charlotte Brown, Lawrence Kee, Peter Wolfe, Isabel Dean, Holli Hines, Jake Pollard, Max Mathews, Amelie Reeves (2), Connor Edwards, Oskar Fitzmaurice, Dylan Harman
Year 8: Ayla East, Max Palmer, Cain Twomey, Chloe Conder, Alexander Wellm
Year 9: Makaylah De Jonge, Riley Griffin
Lisieux Principal’s Awards
Year 7: Sienna Lockwood, Holli Hines
Year 8: Ayla East, Cain Twomey, Alexander Wellm
Year 9: Riley Griffin
Loreto Co-ordinator’s Awards
Year 7: Elise Wilkinson (2), Hayden Charman, Mason Staples, Nate Butler, Raphael Connor, Yasmin Van Rosi, Ayla Binns, Ethan Fitzsimmons, Harrison Wood, Rosaria Stewart-Walker, Lachlan Thomas
Year 8: Charlie Riviere, Sanjay Nix
Loreto Principal’s Awards
Year 7: Elsie Wilkinson, Nate Butler, Yasmin Van Rosi, Ayla Binns, Ethan Fitzsimmons, Rosaria Stewart-Walker
Year 8: Charli Riviere
Lucan Co-ordinator’s Awards
Year 7: Billy Miller, Benjamin Caltabiano, Makayla Gibb, Mikkel Gronholt (2), Leon Oner, Georgia Brown (2), Zara Anglim
Year 8: Sunny Ashton, Charlie Gear, Cian Nugent
Year 9: Amelia Carr
Year 11: Scarlett Mikkelsen
Lucan Principal’s Awards
Year 8: Cian Nugent
Nagle Co-ordinator’s Awards
Year 7: Ryder Simmonds, Darnika Barlow, Mya Andrews, Donovan Eadsforth, Harlo Jorss, Sunny Waters
Year 8: Ky Scott
Year 9: Marley Loveridge
Year 10: Theodore Parsons