MSPC Newsletter - Term 1 Week 6, 9th March 2023
Dear Parents and Caregivers,
The importance of being present
Last week I attended two important community events: a community breakfast to commemorate the anniversary of the 2022 floods and the opening of the Northern Rivers Rail Trail.
Community Breakfast for the anniversary of 2022 Floods
The Kingscliff Chamber of Commerce hosted a community breakfast at the Salt Bar on Tuesday 28th February. Representatives from the various responding groups: Police, ADF, SES, VRA, Red Cross, and others, local members of parliament and citizens that both helped and were helped.
I sat with Fr Paul McDonald who educated me on the many people in the room that had links to Mount St Patrick College. One former student, Ollie Twohill played “Washed Away”, a song he wrote based on experiences of people he had spoken to regarding the flood.
We heard from victims of the flood as well as the responders. This was very moving and we will be forever grateful to the many people who assisted those in need. We were told of the evening that rescuers thought they had everyone, but turned off their engines and in the, now quiet night, they could hear people calling out and so continued their efforts.
I thank Councillor James Owen for his organisation and invitation.
Northern Rivers Rail Trail Opening
The College sports coordinator Tim Whitney, has been planning for and speaking to Tweed Council in anticipation of the opening of the rail trail for a couple of years. He saw the opportunity to use the rail trail as part of our integrated sport program. Tim organised to purchase a class set of bikes through the local bike shop. His work, linking to the broader community, saw the College invited to participate in the official opening of the trail. I was thrilled to attend with seven of the sport and community house captains, Nathan Pryke, Mahli Johnson, Morgan O’Connor, Lily Van Den Driest, Leo Molinari, Sasha Hendrikse and Will Quantrill and staff members Jake Hetherington and Emma Loughman.
After the official opening we rode the 14 kilometres to (and through) the Burringbar tunnel and back. That was not the original plan but it was fantastic to be on the trail seeing what a marvellous job the Tweed Council have done in creating this asset for the community. I know that the College students will see the benefit of it for many years to come.

I have asked our students, rather crudely, to be a community that turns up and has a go. What I am really talking about is being present. To be present is not just being there but engaging with those around us, with our community. I reflected that our presence is important because it is saying to others what you do is important and showing gratitude.
I was privileged to represent Mount St Patrick College at these important community events. There is equal importance in joining with the broader community in commemorating a disaster and in celebrating success.
Be the Good and God Bless,
Paul Reidy
Assistant Principal - Mission
Happy Romero Day – 9th March
We had a great celebration of the inaugural Romero Feast day at today’s College Assembly. Leader of Romero House, Mr Blake Reynolds, his 3 Year 12 Co-Captains and house volunteers led the prayer; told the Archbishop Romero story; made a substantial donation of dry goods, and had guest speakers from the Romero Centre and Uki Project informing us about their work helping refugees. Then the house enjoyed a BBQ lunch. We’ll have photos in the next Newsletter.
Catch Up College Photos - 14th March
These photos will be taken next Tuesday 14th March. Ordering can be done online or using the order envelopes. Orders can still be made until tomorrow Friday 10th March, without incurring a Late Fee. Students being photographed are to be in dress uniform (and bring sport uniform to change into if the student has practical PE or sport). The College’s order code is B8V DPW 9YB
MSPC P & F Meeting - 14th March
The first 2023 meeting for interested parents will take place next Tuesday 14th March from 5.30 – 6.30pm in the College Learning Hub (Library). I will be providing wine and cheese to entice parents to come and discuss what Parent Engagement Model they favour (last Newsletter) and what they want to know about their child’s education at the College.
St Patrick’s Day Celebrations – 17th March
On Friday 17th March all students are to be in their Sport uniform for the afternoon Cross Country event at Kingscliff Beach and the afternoon Irish games at the College.
We will be having Mass at 9.15am in the Sacred Heart Church and heading to the beach after Recess. All students need a College hat and water bottle for the run/fast walk. The College is providing free cold water and a sausage sizzle at Walter Peate Oval. Little Athletics will be running a Canteen so students may wish to bring some money in their pocket for the purchase of extra treats at the end of the event! All students will be returning to the College at 1.30pm for some House Irish games on the Oval.
We are looking forward to a return to the tradition of great, and creative, celebrations of our Feast Day. However, I don’t think Mrs Wilcox in the Canteen will ever order green bread and buns again!
Attention Parents of Year 7 and 10 Students – Free Vaccination Programs
Year 7 Injections - 29th March Online Consent Forms due 22nd March
As part of the NSW School vaccination program. Students in Year 7 are offered free vaccines for diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis (dTpa) and human papillomavirus (HPV). In Year 10, students are offered the meningococcal ACWY vaccine. Year 7 HPV/ Boostrix vaccinations will be held on Wednesday 29/3 in the Gilbey Hall and Year 10 Meningococcal injections on Wednesday 7/6.
Parental consent is required for your child to receive routine vaccinations at school. If your child is in Year 7 or Year 10 this year, you can now provide this consent through the online consent portal by clicking login with a Service NSW Account. Previously NSW Health provided hard copy Information Kits with Consent Forms enclosed for all students. In 2023 this will not be the case although if there are parents with no internet or computer access the College has been given a few hard copy Information Kits. They can be accessed from the Front Office.
From February 2023, children in Year 7 will now only need one does of HPV vaccination. If your child previously missed their second dose of HPV vaccine, they are now considered fully vaccinated and do not require a second dose. For more information on school vaccination visit:
Mary-Anne McShane
Assistant Principal: Mission
Year 10 Retreat
Just a reminder that the Year 10 Retreat is fast approaching. Students will leave for Bornhoffen at 9am on Monday 20th March and return Wednesday 22nd March in time for afternoon buses. A reminder that Thursday and Friday are compulsory school days. Parents/caregivers, please check your emails for instructions and complete the online Compass consent. This needs to be done by Monday 13th March. Thank you!
Year 11 Retreat/Reflection Day
On Friday 3rd March, Year 11 took part in their Retreat Day here at the College. The day was run by the Passionist Youth Retreat Team. Year 11 explored the idea of leadership, played some games and also reconnected with each other as a year group. Thank you to all those students who took part in the day! Thank you to Tom and Chloe for running the day!

Project Compassion
Thank you to all those students and their homeroom teachers who have generously contributed to the Project Compassion boxes so far. The Caritas Australia mission is to work in partnership with communities in Australia and overseas to achieve their development goals and thrive, keeping in the spirit of the Gospel. All money raised goes directly to people most in need. This year's theme is “For All Future Generations”. This Lent our MSPC community is joining with thousands of Australian schools, parishes and supporters to raise funds for people living in some of the most vulnerable communities across the world. If every student could donate a gold coin that would be just fantastic.
Grace Molloy
Leader of Evangelisation
As you may already know, vaping has become a huge issue for high school students in recent years. According to the 2019 Monitoring the Future survey, one in four high school students reported vaping in the past month, up 10% from the previous year. While many students may view vaping as a harmless alternative to smoking cigarettes, the truth is that vaping can be just as dangerous, if not more.
One of the biggest concerns with vaping is the chemical composition of the vape juice. Many e-cigarettes contain nicotine, which is highly addictive and can harm adolescent brain development. Additionally, the long-term effects of inhaling nicotine and other chemicals found in e-cigarettes are not yet known, making it difficult to assess the true dangers of vaping.
Another issue with vaping is the possibility of vaporizing harmful substances. Some e-cigarettes contain heavy metals such as nickel, tin, and lead, which can be dangerous if inhaled. Moreover, the flavored vape juices can be even more harmful as they contain chemicals like diacetyl, which is known to cause bronchiolitis obliterans or popcorn lung, a condition that permanently damages the air sacs in the lungs.
Also, students don't always realize the risks of sharing e-cigarettes. Since the novel corona-virus can also be transmitted through respiratory droplets, the chances of spreading viruses increase when using vaping devices.
As parents, it is essential to talk to your kids about the dangers of vaping and educate them about the health risks associated with it. Encourage your children to say no to e-cigarettes and make healthier choices. Talk to them about nicotine addiction, lung damage, and other long-term effects of vaping. Furthermore, look out for signs of vaping, such as increased thirst, nosebleeds, sweet-smelling aroma, or mood swings, and talk to your child as soon as you see any red flags.
Vaping is reported to us on occasions and we want to eliminate this at MSPC. Please help us to this by speaking with your children and where possible informing the school of incidents so that we can follow up the issue.
High school years are an important time of development, and it is crucial for students to be informed about the potential risks associated with vaping. By working together, we can ensure a healthier future for our children.
Louise Shields
Leader of Welfare
The Importance of Planning, Drafting, Proofreading and Editing
In order for students to submit their best work, it is important that they allow enough time to plan, draft, proofread and edit their responses. A helpful tip for students proofreading their own writing is to read their work aloud. This can help them detect grammatical problems if a sentence is not structured clearly. Proofreading is an important skill for students to develop and a key strategy for improving their writing and progressing their learning.
In planning for assessments, organisation is key. There is an electronic study planner on the Assessment Portal that can be downloaded to help students keep track of their coursework, homework and assessment tasks for each of their subjects. Students can detail their commitments on a daily, weekly and term basis. Students can find planners on the MSPC Assessment Portal on their year group page.
A reminder that students can use the Compass Online Diary to record their homework. It is found on the student profile page.

As I mentioned in my last post, students are encouraged to be proactive and seek advice from their teachers if they are struggling or unsure of what is required of them with their learning. Sending an email to a teacher can be an effective way to ask for clarification or assistance.
The Assessment Policy is detailed on the front page of the Assessment Portal which can be accessed on the MSPC Moodle Page. Students can access this using their school email and log in.

If a student is sick and unable to complete an assessment on the due date, Years 7, 8 and 9 require a letter from a parent / carer detailing the student’s circumstances for non-completion of an assessment task. For Years 10, 11 and 12 a medical practitioner is required to complete the MSPC Assessment Variation Illness Form. A copy of this document can be found on the student’s year page of the Assessment Portal.
The Year 12 Assessment Block has been scheduled to begin on Monday 20th March, 2023 and will conclude on Friday 24th March, 2023 - Week 8. Year 12 classes will not run during the assessment period. Year 12 students need only attend school to complete their assessments during this assessment block. They are required to sign in and out of the College at the front office daily.
The Year 11 Assessment Block has been scheduled to begin on Monday 27th March, 2023 and will conclude on Friday 31st March, 2023 - Week 9. Year 11 classes will not run during the assessment week. Year 11 students need only attend school to complete their assessments during this assessment block. They are required to sign in and out of the College at the front office daily.
Jo McDonald
Leader of Curriculum
NAPLAN - Years 7 and 9
Students in Years 7 and 9 will sit online NAPLAN tests in Weeks 7 and 8 (March 15th to 22nd). Further information can be found here:
Students should have their own headphones, preferably ones that plug into their laptops, in order to access the spelling questions of the Conventions of Language test, as well as to access items that are able to be read aloud to students with additional learning needs.
If you have any questions or concerns please contact Mr Simon Holder (Literacy: Writing, Reading tests) or Mrs Kyllie Bevan (Numeracy test).
Simon Holder
Leader of Literacy
Faculty News
Year 7 Geography Students have been diving deep into the fascinating world of tectonic plates. They have been exploring the different types of boundaries that occur between these massive plates and the impact they have on our planet.
As a fun and interactive way to learn about the different types of boundaries, the students recently used Oreo cookies to demonstrate the various ways in which tectonic plates interact with one another. By carefully breaking the cookies apart and observing how the cream filling behaves, students were able to simulate the movement and collision of plates at divergent, convergent and transformative boundaries.
Not only did this activity allow for a hands-on learning experience, it also encouraged teamwork and critical thinking skills as students worked together to create their demonstrations. By utilising creative and engaging methods of learning, our Year 7 Geographers are building a strong foundation of knowledge and curiosity about the world around them.

7C in action

Aimee Blazek
Leader of Learning: HSIE
Students enjoyed a fantastic show at HOTA last Friday night. Some of our students who are involved in the Mt St Patrick College production of "Back to the 80's" took the opportunity to see the fantastic show "All Fired Up". We were taken on a journey from present day back to the 80's when the narrator of the story, a 45 year old woman down on her luck, was transported back to visit her 15 year old self. We were reminded of the power of music and the many fun aspects of the 80's decade, while the teachers were able to reminisce about their own cassette collection and taping songs off the radio.
It was a high energy night enjoying many of the songs they have become familiar with in our own Musical and a great reminder to students of the energy and professionalism we are asking them to bring to our stage in their own performances.
A big thank you to Mrs Kaitlyn Rennes-Nadal, Mr Michael Lill and Mrs Helen Bub-Connor for accompanying the students and a big thank you to parents for organising transport to the event for their students.

College Musical Production "Back to the 80's"
Rehearsals are kicking up a gear as we work towards completing the show. We have over 80 students involved on-stage, behind the scenes and in the band. It is shaping up to be an outstanding production.
Students are reminded that they have the first of 3 Sunday rehearsals this weekend from 10am-4pm. Lead ensemble and students in charge of sound are asked to come at 9.30am to warm up their vocals and get their mic packs on so we can begin promptly at 10am. Lunch is supplied for the day. Students are encouraged to bring something to share for morning tea being mindful to avoid nuts. Tickets will go on sale in Week 8. More information to come in the next newsletter.

Many students have taken up the opportunity to have lessons on a variety of instruments run through the school's 'Instrumental Program'. We have a number of flutes, clarinets, trumpets and saxophones available to loan to students. The cost is $75/year for instrument hire through the school. Please contact for any more information about lessons or instrument hire.
Kaitlyn Rennes-Nadal
Music Co-ordinator
Mount Saint Patrick College celebrated a successful and enjoyable day last Wednesday, as the Year 12 Sport and Community leaders accompanied by Principal, Paul Reidy, and teacher, Jake Hetherington, took part in the opening of the Northern Rivers Rail Trail. The trail, which currently stretches over 24 km from Murwillumbah to Mooball, is a popular attraction for hikers, cyclists and outdoor enthusiasts.
The group from Mount Saint Patrick College decided to take on a challenging ride, venturing to the Burringbar Tunnel and back. The 28 km ride was not for the faint of heart, but the MSPC team persevered and reached their destination, experiencing the stunning scenery and natural beauty along the way.
The day was filled with laughter, teamwork, and a strong sense of community as everyone encouraged each other throughout the ride. The students were proud of their accomplishment and were grateful to be a part of such a unique and memorable experience.
Overall, it was a day to remember for Mount Saint Patrick College, and we look forward to many more adventures on the Northern Rivers Rail Trail through the Integrated Sport Program.
Jake Hetherington

It was an exciting day in Lismore as the surrounding communities came together for a Hockey Gala Day on Friday 3rd March. The event featured senior boys and girls teams as well as junior boys and girls, with all involved representing the College in an outstanding manner.
It was heartening to see the juniors playing in the older grades, and they did not disappoint. Most junior players were a part of the senior teams due to several school events being held on the same day.
The Gala Day provided a fantastic opportunity for the players to showcase their talents and skills. It was an important event for those looking to secure a spot in the teams that will travel to Bathurst in Term 2 for the NSWCCC Hockey Championships.
We look forward to more events like this in the future, where we can witness the talent and potential of our young athletes. Whether they are trying a new sport for the first time or displaying expertise and skill, all players strived to do their best while also supporting their teammates.
The day was a big success and a great reminder of the importance of sportsmanship and the joy of playing as part of a team.

In early March, 13 of our best swimmers made the long trip south, with their parents to compete in the Diocesan Catholic Colleges Swimming Championships in Kempsey. The students and parents quickly bonded into a cohesive team, the more experienced, older swimmers taking the new Yr 7’s under their wings. This camaraderie resulted in many strong performances and culminated in the best ever aggregate score in the history of the College, finishing third overall from the 10 competing schools.

Myla Naylor won the Diocesan Age Champion for the 13yr Girls division with 69pts (the second highest individual point score of the day!)
Jack French was also awarded age Champion in the U16 Age division.
The following students will join these students at the NSWCCC Swimming Championships held in Sydney on Friday 31st March Week 9
Timothy Wellm 13 boys
Alex Wellm & Jack Bourke 15 boys
Rio Giridharan 12 boys
St Patrick Day looms and with it comes our College Cross Country event. On our major feast day all students will attend a College mass to celebrate St Patrick in the morning. After recess all students will grab their water bottles and board a bus to Kingscliff. Once off the buses, competitive runners will be released in the first wave of runners and the non-competitive field will be sent off minutes later. Students will run north from the Kingscliff Bowls Club to the entrance to Walter Peate Oval along the beach. Once at the finish line they will record their names and head into Walter Peate Oval for a sausage sizzle supplied by the College. The canteen at Tweed Little A’s will be open and students can carry money if they wish to purchase anything from the canteen.The first 7 runners from each age group can advance to the next level - the Diocesan Cross Country at Grafton early in Term 2. All non - competitive runners will have to “beat the clock” in order to gain points for their respective Houses.
Once all students have returned from the run / walk we will board buses back to the College for afternoon activities arranged by House leaders and student leaders in an Irish theme.
Winners and runners up will be announced at the end of the celebrations in the Gilbey Basement.
After applying then gaining an invitation to attend the winter sport trials, 7 of our College students travelled to Lismore to trial for Open Football (soccer), U15 and Open League and girls U16 and Open League.
Not all team sheets have been released at the time of publishing our newsletter but I am pleased to announce that Kiana McCabe was named in the Open Girls Rugby League team. Kiana will now attend another trial in Smithtown later this Term for the NSW Country team which then will lead into the NSWCCC Championships in Sydney. We wish Kiana every success.
In the under 15 League team MSPC students Riley Monaghan and Jack Thornton were successful in gaining a spot and will now compete at Smithtown in Week 10 of this Term for a place in the Northern NSW Country team. Well done boys!
Mahli Abbott (Yr 9) has been in Noosa over the past week as she had been invited to compete in the Noosa longboard event.She surfed exceptionally well, winning her first heat (scores below) winning her semi final and finishing 4th overall. Mahli was competing against girls from all over the world in an U15 age group. This was her first longboard event having given the “plank” a go and leaving the short board in her quiver. Such a great result but also such a wonderful surfing experience and the opportunity to surf at an event with an international flavour.

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Meetings were held through the week by Mr Van Den Driest and Miss McHugh to test interest in Aussie Rules. Over 80 students turned up and it is obvious from previous success that we as a College community have a passion for this great game (yep, i'm a bit biased).
Before school training will begin for this squad next week and all participants are asked to complete a Permission Form to attend. Attendance at at least 3 sessions are COMPULSORY if you want selection in the team. It is a contact sport and requires mandatory training sessions before competition. Thanks in advance.
Parents, please be aware that each and every time a student leaves the College to represent the school, they MUST be in full College sports uniform. No variations! I had to put on my Mr Cranky during the week as a large number of players in a particular team arrived at school with slides and socks. This is not allowed. For safety reasons, please wear covered shoes during excursions. I also was questioned repeatedly about this. This is a strict College rule that will be enforced. Also we have spent lots of money to kit out all our teams. Please do not bring club shorts or shirts and expect to play in these. You are representing the College and not a club team. Thanks for your understanding.
College Cross Country 17th March
Open Basketball 23rd March
Tim Whitney
Sport Co-ordinator
College News


Assisi Co-ordinator’s Awards
Year 7: Cooper Alexander, Ines Haim, Kahfeira Close, Aila Martin, Isabella Buckley, Louis Beaumont
Year 8: Harlo Jorss, Ky Andrews, Lillian Corby, Shiloh Hart, Bon Lang, Ephaedra Jennings-McKay, Lachlan Daly (2), Peter Wolfe, Sophie Buckley, Jada Coughran, Lucas Everest, Max Lever, Elsie Wilkinson, Ethan Fitzsimmons, Harrison O’Brien, Inge-Marie Kolominskas, Max Mathews
Year 9: Charlie Gear, Elliott Gracie, Eva Barlow, Mahlia Goldsworthy, Ryan Stuart, Cain Twomey, Jack Thornton, Keesia Close
Year 10: Murray Burnett, Sid Longhurst, Sienna Prendergast, Ameliah Houghton, Lachlan Maclean, Patrick Corby, Hunter Leslight, Neve Trembath
Year 11: Chloe Martin, Sarah-Jane Forbes, Harrison Lever
Year 12: Mason McInerney, Jaya-Lily Haim
Assisi Principal’s Awards
Year 8: Harlo Jorss, Bon Lang, Lachlan Daly, Lucas Everest, Max Mathews
Year 9: Charlie Gear, Jack Thornton, Keesia Close
Year 10: Ameliah Houghton, Lachlan Maclean, Neve Trembath
Year 11: Sarah-Jane Forbes, Harrison Lever
Year 12: Mason McInerney
Assisi College Awards
Year 9: Charlie Gear, Keesia Close
Year 10: Lachlan Maclean
Year 11: Harrison Lever
Year 12: Mason McInerney
Doyle Co-ordinator’s Awards
Year 7: Chayse Nash, Haylee Veares, Henry Dorahy, Liv Andrews, Harrison Dunn, Mila Cambridge, Mila Hair, Oliver De Yong, Harley Medeiros, Lilly Peterssen, Matilda Stuart
Year 8: Connor Edwards (2), Daniel Roach, Evie Ginn, Jordy Ruddy, Floyd Usher, Tanesa Browning (2), Tao Wright, Telia Behan (2), William Harrop (2), Mikkel Gronholt, Mya Andrews (2), Billy Miller, Chelsea Kill, Ricky De Vellis, Savanna Radford
Year 9: Chelsea Templeton (3), Kieran Forsyth, Renten Sasse, Tyler Follett, Keira Hair, Max Palmer, Skye Ayres, Zen Giannoni, Annie Butt, Marley Abbott
Year 10: Angus Miller, Rhys Charman, Skye Waters, Fin Kelly, Payten Nash, Dallas Browning, Hiwot Nardi, Honey Royle, Mohan Aldred-Sutherland, Charlize Ricciuti, Felix Kos, Lily Hope, Rishabh Lashand, Xavier Palmer
Year 11: Dylan Kos, Josie Farrell, Nicholas Males, William Wallace, Tahlia Males, Finlay Purnell, Ochre Barnden-Panton, Ryan Kos, Abbie Thomas, Alyssa Templeton, Anastacia Bleakley
Year 12: Elizabeth Warne (2), Jarrah Fitzpatrick, Lucia Alexander, Nathan Pryke (2), Bailee Pedlow, Sophie Buchanan, Talyn Nix, Eve Sharp, Grace Kelly, Will Harris, Angel De Los Angeles, Diya Sidhu
Doyle Principal’s Awards
Year 8: Connor Edwards, Jordy Ruddy, Floyd Usher, Telia Behan, William Harrop, Mikkel Gronholt, Mya Andrews, Billy Miller, Ricky De Vellis
Year 9: Chelsea Templeton, Skye Ayres, Zen Giannoni, Annie Butt, Marley Abbott
Year 10: Angus Miller, Dallas Browning, Honey Royle, Mohan Aldred-Sutherland, Lily Hope, Rishabh Lashand
Year 11: William Wallace, Ochre Barnden-Panton, Alyssa Templeton
Year 12: Elizabeth Warne, Nathan Pryke, Angel De Los Angeles
Doyle College Awards
Year 9: Marley Abbott
Year 11: William Wallace
Year 12: Nathan Pryke
Ignatius Co-ordinator’s Awards
Year 7: Rio Giridharan
Year 8: Amali Hunt, Benjamin Caltabiano (2), Noah Hunt, Jack Jarman, Katinka Howard, Sienna Lockwood, Lachlan Thomas, Mietta Stevens, Ollie Randell, Oriana Greensill
Year 9: Jack O’Shea, Amelia Andrews, Bryan Cunial
Year 10: Deia Aggebrink-Jones, Ava McCabe, Crystal Vernon, Archer Szandala
Year 11: Harrison Bugg, Emily Simpson
Year 12: Dylan Gale, Elijah Chandler, Mahli Johnson, Kelsey Wyborn, Seth Moore
Ignatius Principal’s Awards
Year 8: Benjamin Caltabiano, Noah Hunt, Jack Jarman, Lachlan Thomas, Oriana Greensill
Year 10: Ava McCabe, Crystal Vernon
Year 12: Seth Moore
Lisieux Co-ordinator’s Awards
Year 7: William Grant, Priya Grabowski, Harper Fisher
Year 8: Murphy Evans, Olivia Wicks, Xavier Gee, Liam Monaghan, Luca Horton, Millie Ewing, Harrison Wood, Kirra Dick, Will Johnston, Caitlyn Benard, Matilda Mitchell (2), Tayah Killey
Year 9: Chloe Conder, Grace Johnston, Quinn Smith, Alexander Wellm, Lucy Grant, Riley Monaghan
Year 10: Kiani Byrnes, Ella Cracknell, Ewan Bourne
Year 11: Sienna Bull, Lillian Gibb
Year 12: Finn Byrnes, Lucas Vidler, Lara-Grace Ewing, Logan Heath, Michael Lack
Lisieux Principal’s Awards
Year 8: Xavier Gee, Liam Monaghan, Luca Horton, Millie Ewing, Harrions Wood, Will Johnston, Caitlyn Benard, Tayah Killey
Year 9: Chloe Conder, Grace Johnston, Riley Monaghan
Year 12: Lucas Vidler
Lisieux College Awards
Year 9: Grace Johnston
Year 12: Lucas Vidler
Loreto Co-ordinator’s Awards
Year 7: Kaia Lawrence, Keane Moriyon, Yohanna Uhlmann, Hubert Jackson, Scarlett Mills
Year 8: Georgia Brown, Summer Benard, Ayla Binns, Raphael Connor (2), Sam Scott, Bernie Fraser, Isabel Dean, Nellie Hopewell, Rosaria Stewart-Walker, Tiago Osman, Jana Lofts, Lachlan Adams, Noah Matheson, Oliver Marks (2)
Year 9: Eboni Rawson, Kaulana O’Farrell-Carter, Oliver Buchanan, Arthur Jackson, Eden Petrie, Ky Scott, Phansachon (Fasai) Phattharapraphakorn, Simon Smith, Elissa Hawkins, Luke Leach
Year 10: Bailey Buchanan, Cooper McKnight, Petros Mackney, Amelia Carr, Ava Singh, Norm Fraser, Makaylah De Jonge, Remy Hawkins
Year 11: Gabrielle Flood, Lara Brown, Bryce Wilson, Gabriella Bennett, Jack McClymont
Year 12: Wyatt Gradisnik, Jack Telling, Liam Ferguson, Tabitha Stratton, Punwatsa (Indie) Phattharapraphakorn
Loreto Principal’s Awards
Year 8: Georgia Brown, Summer Benard, Bernie Fraser, Lachlan Adams, Noah Matheson, Oliver Marks
Year 9: Oliver Buchanan, Eden Petrie
Year 10: Amelia Carr
Year 11: Bryce Wilson
Year 12: Jack Telling, Liam Ferguson
Loreto College Awards
Year 10: Amelia Carr
Year 11: Bryce Wilson
Year 12: Jack Telling
Lucan Co-ordinator’s Awards
Year 7: Ella Charles, Madeleine Morgan, Hector Purcell, Hunter Pinkstone, Annie Amouyal, August Quick, Ceda Wheeler, Meela Murphy, Olive Ostila, Stella Lindsay
Year 8: Charlotte Brown, Darnika Barlow, David Adams, Lindsay Robinson, Skylar Dow, Alexander Seamer, Charlotte Mathewson, Indigo Tonks (2), Samuel Howitt (2), Aiden Jones, Holli Hines, Oskar Fitzmaurice (2),
Year 9: Chloe Shoobridge, Elijah Keyes, Olivia Northeast, Tiarna Hall-Tosh, Echo Rawson Cranney, Miley Field, Zane Booth, Coby Williams, Sachin Smith, Taleishia Robinson
Year 10: Flynn Jones, Cale Graham, Jamie Howitt, Tobias Glazebrook, Alexander Dowling, Angus Lindsay, Cody Taylor, Elise Page, Lucy McTaggart, Rachael Devoy, Vann O’Keefe
Year 11: Jade Ashton, Lily Swan, Amelia Keyes, Enya McCarthy, Maxwell Crawford, Alexander Wong, Malik Dunn, Saskia Gray (2),
Year 11: Jai Taylor, Lily Van Den Driest, Mia Page, Ruby Van Den Driest, Mischa Zabala, Olivia Glazebrook, Aidan Hamilton, Hannah Davis, Matilda McTaggart
Lucan Principal’s Awards
Year 8: Charlotte Brown, David Adams, Skylar Dow, Charlotte Mathewson, Indigo Tonks, Samuel Howitt, Aiden Jones
Year 9: Olivia Northeast, Echo Rawson Cranney, Miley Field, Zane Booth,
Year 10: Elise Page, Lucy McTaggart
Year 11: Lily Swan, Enya McCarthy, Maxwell Crawford, Saskia Gray
Year 12: Mia Page, Hannah Davis
Lucan College Awards
Year 10: Lucy McTaggart
Year 11: Enya McCarthy, Maxwell Crawford, Saskia Gray
Year 12: Hannah Davis
Nagle Co-ordinator’s Awards
Year 7: Felix Twohill, Golda Biles, Austin Rockwell, Lily Seaton (2)
Year 8: James Wemm, Ryder Simmonds, Stephan Pelikan, Zara Anglim, Amelie Reeves, Chloe Trute, Finn O’Donnell (2), Max Nugent, Oliver Barrett, Reuben Levings, Claudia Lozano, Donovan Eadsforth, Dylan Harman, Yasmin Van Rosi
Year 9: Grace Farrell, Xavier Elliott, Ivy Eadsforth, Peppa Alcorn-Savins
Year 10: Nitchanan (Amy) Siripiboon, Brodie Ferguson, Jed Ryan, Jesse Barrett
Year 12: Aimee Teppo
Nagle Principal’s Awards
Year 8: James Wemm, Zara Anglim, Amelie Reeves, Oliver Barrett, Claudia Lozano
Year 10: Brodie Ferguson, Jesse Barrett
Romero Co-ordinator’s Awards
Year 7: Max Pollard, Cleo Harper-Green, Isaac East
Year 8: Abe Kirk, Gisele Jacobsen, Mia Harvey, Nate Butler, Sienna Cleak, Isabelle Bice, Isla Redpath, Ruby Bowley, Safira Doman, Caleb Doevendans, Leon Oner, Zayd Alexander
Year 9: Erin Lanyon, Charli Riviere, Jack Bourke, Maddison Darby, Milana Mutton, Ryan York
Year 10: Eliza Wightley, Lonnie Maher, Samuel Acret, Arlo Kirk, Kayla Cotelli, Maya Bowling, Reef Kidwell
Year 11: Jaxon Johnson, Keira Lesleighter, Monique McDougall, Bridget Hudson
Year 11: Ella Rainford, Jamie Cotelli, Cooper Shields, Grace Acret, Cashlin Townsend
Romero Principal’s Awards
Year 8: Sienna Cleak, Leon Oner, Zayd Alexander
Year 9: Jack Bourke, Maddison Darby
Year 10: Samuel Acret
Year 11: Jaxon Johnson, Monique McDougall
Year 12: Jamie Cotelli, Cooper Shields
Romero College Awards
Year 10: Samuel Acret
Year 11: Jaxon Johnson, Monique McDougall
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