MSPC Newsletter - Term 4, Week 4, 2nd November 2023.
This was a comment from visiting Assistant Principals from across the Diocese Tuesday 31st October “Mt St Pats has a great vibe”. The Assistant Principals met at the College and conducted learning walks in the classrooms to witness the implementation of our learning collaborative work, based on the Lynn Sharratt parameters for the learning growth of all students. Our students were welcoming and articulated in answering 5 questions:
- What are you learning?
- Why is this important?
- How are you going?
- How can you improve?
- Where do you go for help?
Mr Nicholas Rimell and his Cafe Signo crew provided morning tea with a barista coffee and a pastry from Ben’s Patisserie. Nick then presented a new Stage 5 elective that he is trialling next year with Year 10 students. In response to the curriculum reform we are developing new elective options in Stage 5 aimed at providing students with credentials other than the HSC. Mr Rimell is making great connections with industry partners and this is an awesome opportunity for our students to get real life experience.

Recently we have welcomed our Year 7 2024 students for orientation days. The Year 10 buddies and House leaders introduced the students to the College and lead them around the school. The day was full of fun and informative activities. I hope the students are looking forward to the transition into the secondary setting and we look forward to supporting them on the journey.
The HSC exams are coming to an end today and we are very proud of the way Year 12 have conducted themselves in completing the papers. The students have been calm and focussed. Mrs McDonald, our Leader of Curriculum, led the following prayer with each group of students before each exam.
Lord, we ask that students at Mount St Patrick College feel your closeness during their HSC exams.
Give them calm hearts and quiet confidence
in the knowledge that you hold them
in the palm of your hand.
Bless them with keen understanding
and retentive memory.
Direct their progress and help them in the completion
of each of their answers.
Holy Spirit send them your gifts of peace,
wisdom and knowledge.
We ask this through Christ, Our Lord.
The prayer settles the students and reminds them that they accompanied by God during these challenging times. We hope that our students were able to do their best and I thank their teachers for the preparation.

We look forward to celebrating the end of thirteen years of education at the Year 12 Formal next Friday night 10th November. We also pray that the students are kept safe during their celebrations and “schoolies trips”. Good luck Year 12 with your HSC results and future pathways.
Narelle Sherrah
Acting Principal
Assistant Principal - Mission
Well-Attended Parent Meeting
Thanks to all those parents who attended this information evening, regarding pastoral care initiatives at the College, on Tuesday 24th October. Mrs Louise Shields, our Leader of Student Welfare, gave a great presentation about the online ‘Wellio’ platform. Thanks also to the Diocesan Parent Assembly for providing the delicious refreshments at the beginning of the gathering.
9am Parish Mass/ Morning Tea, Sacred Heart Church Sunday 5th November
All College students, parents and staff are invited to join Lucan and Lisieux Houses as they participate in the Parish Mass next Sunday morning 5th November. Lucan and Lisieux will also be providing a lavish morning tea following Mass!
Year 12 Formal and Presentation Evening Friday 10th November
We are looking forward to celebrating with our 124 Year 12 graduating students, with their parents/carers and teachers in the Gilbey Hall on Friday week 10th November. Lots of preparations are being made in the College and, no doubt, Year 12 are perfecting their outfits!
Date Claimer: Sacred Heart Parish Christmas Carnival and Tableau
This annual event will be held in the College grounds on Saturday 25th November from 5 – 8pm. The Nativity Tableau will be staged in the Gilbey Hall at nightfall. Please put this date into your family’s calendar as a great preparation for the Christmas season. You might even win a ham on the chocolate wheel. College students are asked to bring in small clean glass or plastic jars to school (to be filled with lollies for the bottle stall). Raffle tickets can be purchased in advance, and on the night, for the Monster Raffle. First prize is a significant amount of cash!
Mary-Anne McShane
Assistant Principal: Mission
House Masses - Lisieux and Lucan
This Sunday 5th November Lisieux and Lucan Houses are joining the 9am Parish Mass and providing Morning Tea following. It would be wonderful if parents and students of both houses could be there to support this initiative. Thank you to those students and staff who have already committed to attend. This is a lovely way to build community with the parish and school.
Vinnies Christmas Appeal
It's only 53 days until Christmas and each year students and staff at MSPC support the St Vincent De Paul Christmas Appeal. This year we are asking for small donations of non-perishable food items or Christmas type donations. There will be boxes outside the staff room for students to place these items in. We will bundle them into small hampers and present them to St Vincent De Paul at our end of term liturgy. Any contribution towards this initiative would be greatly appreciated to support those less fortunate in our community this Christmas. If it is easier to make a small monetary donation instead, we will be able to convert them into vouchers to accompany the hamper.
Message from Mary MacKillop Conference - Murwillumbah
More people than ever are seeking assistance through Mary MacKillop Conference Murwillumbah, including those who have never had to ask for help before. Once again our Conference will be helping those in need to make Christmas special. Instead of hampers we will be giving those on our Christmas list GIFT CARDS or VOUCHERS to enable them to purchase gifts, toys and festive food. Please will you consider donating any of the following:
Gift cards or vouchers – especially on outlets where gifts, toys or something special can be purchased
Money – can be left in a specially marked envelope at Parish or School offices or Vinnies shop, or on a collection plate at Mass
Donate online to
BUT WHEN YOU REACH THE OPTION ASKING FOR ‘COMMENTS OR CONFERENCE NAME’ please write “Murwillumbah Conference 43-427” so your gift stays in this area. To give us time to get Christmas help to those who need it we hope most gifts will be received by early December. Thank you very much for anything you are able to do.
Denise Banner, President, Mary MacKillop Conference
Thank you to parents and students for organising their information for the upcoming G.O.A.T Boys Retreat next week at the Coffs Harbour Adventure Centre. Students will have received a note with bus times and packing information. Mr Daniel Anderson will be accompanying the boys on the retreat. I thank Dan very much for attending this retreat at this busy time of year.
All Saint, All Souls Day
This week we celebrate All Saints' Day and All Souls' Day, which are two important dates in the Catholic calendar. All Saints' Day, observed on November 1st, is a time to celebrate the lives of saints who have served as exemplary figures in the Christian faith. All Souls' Day, on November 2nd, is a day to remember and pray for our departed loved ones. It's an occasion to reflect on the impact of these individuals in our lives. These days encourage us to seek inspiration from the saints and cherish the memories of those who have passed away, fostering a sense of community and faith within our Mount St Patrick College community.
Dear Heavenly Father,
On this All Saints' and All Souls' Day, we come together as a College community to honour the saints who inspire us and remember our loved ones who have departed. May their examples of faith guide us, and may the memories of our dear departed ones bring us comfort and strength.
St Patrick, pray for us.
God Bless,
Grace Molloy
Leader of Evangelization
Learning and Teaching Team
Mt St Patrick College Hosts Showcase of Educational Excellence at Assistant Principals Learning and Teaching Meeting
In a remarkable display of educational innovation and excellence, Mt St Patrick College played host to the Assistant Principals’ Learning and Teaching meeting on Tuesday 31st October. This event provided a unique opportunity for the college to exhibit the outstanding work being carried out within its walls to a distinguished gathering of education leaders from the Catholic Schools office and various Diocesan Schools.
The gathering was marked by a profound sense of achievement as the school celebrated the remarkable progress facilitated by the school’s Learning Collaborative. Participants embarked on a dynamic "learning walk and talk" adventure through the college's classrooms, offering a vivid snapshot of the transformative impact these initiatives have had on the learning environment. Three separate groups of educational leaders explored a total of six classrooms, engaging with students and delving into the core questions that guide the learning process.
During these interactions, students were posed with a series of reflective questions, including: "What are you learning, and why?" "How are you progressing, and how do you measure your success?" "In what ways can you improve, and where can you seek assistance?" These insightful discussions shed light on the depth of learning experiences students encounter at Mt St Patrick College, emphasising the student-centric and supportive approach to education.
A notable feature of the event was the fascinating "ghost walks," which offered an intriguing glimpse into the transformation of certain classrooms through the incorporation of learning resources. This shift in teaching methodology, known as the 'third teacher' practice, was adopted across the school this year, and its profound impact was on full display. The addition of resources strategically positioned throughout the classrooms resonated with the attendees, underlining the school's dedication to creating dynamic, engaging learning spaces.
In addition to the impressive classroom showcases, the newest members of the Cafe Signo team, comprising students, were not only trained but also actively engaged in brewing and serving coffee to the visiting delegation. The quality of the coffee garnered immense praise, earning the accolade of the "best coffee made by Cafe Signo." This delightful experience underscored the school's commitment to fostering real-world skills and experiences for its students.
The day was further enriched by the Learning Hubs' Halloween-themed book displays and competitions. These captivating exhibits added a layer of creativity and excitement to the event, celebrating not only the academic achievements but also the diverse talents of the students.
Simone Kendrick
Acting Leader of Pedagogy

Week 4 has seen our Year 12 and Year 11 Accelerated students complete their last week of HSC examinations. We are so impressed by their mature and focused manner.
Meanwhile the rest of the College has been gearing up for their upcoming assessments. Students have been notified of their assessment blocks as follows:
Term 4 Assessment Blocks:
- Year 7 assessment block is scheduled for Week 6, commencing 13/11/23 to 17/11/23
- Year 8 assessment block is scheduled for Week 5, commencing 06/11/23 to 10/11/23
- Year 9 assessment block is scheduled for Week 5, commencing 06/11/23 to 10/11/23
- Year 10 assessment block is scheduled for Week 6, commencing 13/11/23 to 17/11/23
- Year 11 (HSC) and Accelerated Year 10 assessment block is scheduled starting Week 9, commencing on 04/12/23 to 08/12/23.

Assessment Policy: A copy of the Assessment Policy can be found on the Assessment Portal. If students require a variation to assessment, they should complete the online Assessment Variation Application Form for each subject.
Students can access all information regarding their assessments via the Assessment Portal which is found on the MSPC Moodle Site. Students can access the site using their school email and log in. Please see below a summary of the Assessment Rules.
Students are encouraged to be proactive with their learning and assessment preparation. This is important for building confidence and assessment readiness. Students will be provided with study guides and revision materials by their teachers. If students are unsure of expectations, they should seek advice from their teachers. There are many helpful online resources that can also assist parents to help their child to be organised, confident and assessment ready. Implementing a balanced home study routine can play an important part in this process.
Below is the schedule for assessment tasks for Weeks 5 and 6:

A guide for students: preparing for your assessment:
In preparing for examinations it is important for you to:

- Comply with MSPC Rules and Assessment Procedures found in the Stage 4 and 5 Handbooks on the Assessment Portal. A summary of the Assessment Rules can be found on the main page of the Assessment Portal.
- Read the Assessment / Exam Notification for each of your subjects on the Assessment Portal.
- Use study planners available on the Assessment Portal to plan your revision / home study.
- Prepare for assessments and exams by reading over coursework notes, completing revision questions and revising summaries.
- Ask your teacher for assistance if there is something you do not understand.
- If you are sick and cannot complete your assessment, fill out an Assessment Variation Assessment Form for each subject missed. This form can be found on the year page of the Assessment Portal.
- If you are absent for an assessment, a note from your parent/carer is required upon your return to school. It is your responsibility to take your parent / carer note to the subject teacher. A zero will be awarded if the completed documentation is not provided.
- It is the student’s responsibility to complete the catch up assessment / exam as scheduled at the bottom of the assessment timetable.

On the day of the assessment:
- Each assessment / exam session will begin with silent study, therefore bring study notes with you.
- Students are to place all writing materials in a clear plastic sleeve.
- Before the assessment begins, all study notes to be placed at the front of the room as directed by the teacher.
- No talking or communicating during silent study period or during assessments / examinations.
Years 10 - 12:
- If students are absent on the day of the assessment, a Medical Practitioner must complete the Mount St Patrick Assessment Variation Illness Application. This can be accessed on the student’s year page of the Assessment Portal. A zero will be awarded if the completed document is not provided. NOTE: A signed statutory declaration will not be accepted.
- NB/ Please note that a family event or holiday would not be considered a valid reason for an extension or exemption.
- It is the student’s responsibility to complete the catch up assessment / exam as scheduled at the bottom of the assessment timetable.
Years 11 and 12:
- Years 11 and 12 should refer to their Senior Handbooks for the MSPC Assessment Policy relating to Stage 6. This is available on the Assessment Portal.
- Years 11 and 12 should be conversant with the .NESA HSC Rules and Procedures Guide
All students entered in an HSC course must read the HSC Rules and Procedures Guide.
Wishing students all the best with their Term 4 assessment preparations.
Jo McDonald
Leader of Curriculum
As our Year 12 students finish their HSC exams and preparations begin for their Formal, the rest of the student body are preparing for Assessment blocks and Yearly Examinations. Preparing for exams can be stressful – and not just for your teenager, but for every member of the family. To help create a positive environment, there are practical ways you can help your teenager feel ready for their exams – and minimise the tension in your household. Below is an article from Reachout for Schools that may help:
1. Focus On The Basics - Effective study is almost impossible without the basics taken care of first. Being well-fed, hydrated and well-rested is a solid foundation for study success and without these important ingredients, your child’s brain will find it hard to work at full capacity.
You can do your bit by providing a home environment that is organised, clean, calm, and quiet – with nutritious snacks available. Aim to keep mealtimes regular to help them create a routine they can rely on.
As exams get closer, focus on offering smaller, lighter meals throughout the day to help boost their energy, without feeling sluggish. By giving them the tools to study more effectively, they can cope with study sessions better – and that means more effective study, with better outcomes.
2. Create Study Goals - and Prioritise - When the going gets tough, it’s natural to take the path of least resistance. For your teenager facing a range of subjects, it’s helpful to direct them to tackle the most difficult subjects at the start of their session, when their ability to concentrate is at its best.
By prioritising all the tasks that demand a high level of focus and creativity, they’ll have a better chance of dealing with them before their energy gets sapped.
Setting study goals is a positive way to work through any study session. Instead of reading four chapters of a textbook in one stint, and risking information overload, encourage them to break down their study into smaller chunks. Focusing on one chapter and devoting all their attention to it for an allocated time period will give them a better chance of retaining the information.
When that goal is reached, encourage a break – a walk around the block, a few minutes shooting hoops, some yoga or stretches, a refreshing shower, or some other quick activity that gets them away from their desk and gets them moving for a few minutes.
There are handy project-management apps that your teenager may benefit from using to outline and prioritise study tasks. Talk to them about what’s on offer and how it might help them to see if it’s right for them.
3. Identify Exam Stress Early - Be aware of the warning signs that could indicate stress in your teenager.
Some common stress signs include:
- Interrupted sleep
- Erratic eating habits
- Low confidence
- Increased frustration or anger
- Headaches, eczema, skin break-outs
4. Communicate - Ask your teen how their revision is going and if there is anything you can help them with. Even a simple conversation at the end of the day and sharing some positive feedback about what they have achieved can be a big boost and help them feel less alone.
Don’t feel bad if they don’t want to talk. It’s not personal. Making them feel bad about not opening up to you will only add to their stress, not reduce it.
5. Look After Yourself - And Be Positive (And Resilient) - You might have lots going on in your own life but trying to maintain an environment of positive support is important for your child’s study success. If you’re facing your own worries with work or personal issues, make sure you have a great friend to talk to – confiding in your teenager at this time about all the tricky situations that might be going on in your office or extended family will not help them focus on their study in a positive way.
Looking after yourself is one of the best things you can do to help look after your teenager. There will be times they feel down and stressed and may take it out on you. By making sure your own emotional health is in good shape, you’ll be less likely to fly off the handle and better able to cope with their mood swings.
Exam preparation time is a busy one – and it can be emotionally challenging. It’s important to remember that it does come to an end. Be as supportive as you can and remind other members of the household to help out in whatever ways they can too – assigning other siblings some extra household chores can go a long way to creating a more organised, calm household that helps everyone cope with the increase in stress levels.

Louise Shields
Leader of Student Welfare
Faculty News
ATHLETE PROFILE: Piper Boddie - Rugby Union
Piper Boddie Year 7
Piper has had an amazing year on the fields of Far North Coast Rugby Union and across our state. She is now forging a strong and successful representative career with her selection as team Vice Captain in the QLD U14 Barbarians team where she competed last weekend.
Below are some of her exploits this year:

- Piper plays regular club rugby with Casuarina Beach Rugby Club in the U13s comp (mixed gender). They went on to win their FNC season.
- Piper was selected to represent the Central Coast at this year's U14 NSW State Rugby Union XVs Championships at Dubbo in June. In a first ever, they went on to win both the Country and State championships.
- Piper was selected to play for the U14 Gold Coast Cyclones where the team went on to win the South Queensland Championship on the Sunshine Coast where they did not concede a point.
- From here she was selected to play for South Queensland in Rockhampton at the QLD State champs. They went on to win the QLD State Championships, undefeated.

- Piper was selected to play for the Far North Coast U13 Sevens State Champs in Forster Tuncurry, where she had the honour of being named captain. Unfortunately, she received a head knock and was knocked out in the third game and unable to participate in the rest of the competition.
- Piper has been selected to play in the U14s Queensland Barbarian XVs squad at the Pacific Youth Festival this weekend. She was named vice captain, a notable selection, playing up a grade. This team has players representing from Cairns, the Darling Downs, throughout QLD, all the way to Coffs and Port Macquarie.


Round 1 Match report - Young Guns Shine!
On Tuesday 24th October our Open Boys Cricket team played St Joseph’s College from Banora Point in a round 1 50 - over Downie Trophy match. On a warm day, Sam Acret won the toss for MSPC and asked SJC to bat first.
We struggled to break through the top order and SJC were batting well and taking advantage of a very fast outfield. Our boys must have appreciated the drinks break because the score went from 2/102 just after drinks to All Out for 107. MSPC took 8 wickets for 5 runs! (8 catches).
The stars of the show were our young guns - leg spinner Jack O’Shea (Year 9) took 5/26 off 8 overs with Harry O’Brien (Year 8) taking 4/18 off 5 overs. We made heavy weather of chasing the modest total of 108 to win. The regular loss of wickets was frustrating. Harry O’Brien looked good in making 24 with Billy Smith and Sam Acret both making 18 to get us close. The 9th wicket fell with MSPC needing 2 runs to win - the 2 Jakes (Lanyon and Shackell) had some anxious moments before finally sealing the victory.
Congratulations boys - it’s on to Round 2 with a home game against Woodlawn at Rabjones Oval next Monday 6th November.
Michael Acret (coach)

- Rd 2 Downie Shield Cricket v Woodlawn at Rabjones Oval Monday 6th
- Rd 1 Berg Shield Cricket (Woodlawn, Ballina, St Joseph’s & MSPC) Wednesday 8th
- Diocesan Junior Water Polo Alstonville 9th November
- Diocesan Senior Water Polo Alstonville 16th November
- NRCC Boys Cricket Gala Day Wednesday 22nd November
- NRCC Girls Cricket Gala Day Thursday 23rd November
- College Swimming Carnival Friday 2nd February 2024 (33 school days away)
College News
Students can now make canteen purchases with their student card!
Setting up payments using Flexischools, so that your student can use their School ID Card to purchase at the Canteen.
We have partnered with Flexischools to allow students to use the existing student library ID card to make payments at the canteen. This service has been implemented to give students a safe and secure way to pay at school and also avoid mobile phone usage. Parents use the Flexischools app to add funds to their digital wallet and link this account to the student’s existing student card. Parents can optionally setup daily spending limits and automated top-ups for additional peace of mind. Students then scan their cards at the canteen (the [if photo option] student photo and) balance appears on the terminal, and the transaction is charged to the card. Parents can track the student’s spending via the Flexischools App. The first 50 students to use the service will receive a free Zooper Dooper when they use their ID card for the first time.
Parents can setup their Flexischools account at or by downloading the Flexischools app from the Apple or Google app stores.
We encourage parents to consider using this service to help us create a safer, more efficient school payment experience.

Thank you
Natalie Webster
Learning Technologies Coordinator
Community News