Our Mission

As a Catholic Educational Community in the Presentation tradition, we are called to affirm Christ as the model for human life.  We endeavour to encourage excellence, a love of learning and a passion for life.

Our Vision

Embrace Life is our vision for Mount St Patrick College.  It is inspired by the life and teachings of Christ encapsulated in John 10:10.

"I have come so that you may have life, and have it to the full".

This vision encourages us as a Christian community to see life as a gift to be enjoyed, celebrated and shared, through the pursuit of knowledge and wisdom.

Our Values

At Mount St Patrick College, all relationships and decision making will give witness to the following Gospel values:


Acting in a manner which recognises difference and encourages tolerance.


Acting in a manner that develops a positive, dedicated and consistent approach so that each person achieves his/her full potential.


Acting in a manner which nurtures quality relationships, where all College members feel respected, valued and have a sense of belonging.


Acting in a manner which recognises the needs, feelings and concerns of others and responds with empathy towards them.


Acting in a manner that promotes growth and seeks to restore relationships damaged by poor decision making.


Acting in a manner which balances the needs of the individual and the community in a fair and equitable way.


Acting in a manner which acknowledges ownership of actions and acceptance of consequences.


Acting in a manner which faces challenges with hope, optimism and perseverance.

Our Goals

Faith Development

To ensure that a Christian ethos permeates all aspects of College life by:

  • Providing instruction in the Catholic faith and opportunities to participate in Catholic ritual.
  • Providing meaningful liturgies, prayer experiences, retreats and reflection days.
  • Ensuring that all policies, procedures and everyday school activities reflect Gospel values.

Curriculum Development

To provide a varied curriculum which encourages excellence and caters for the needs of a wide range of students in a changing educational environment by:

  • Providing an environment conducive to quality teaching and learning.
  • Inspiring a work ethic in students so that each achieves his/her potential.
  • Developing the skills, knowledge and attitudes required to live a life that is fulfilling and meaningful.

Community Development

To provide a safe environment where the needs and rights of others are promoted and each person is treated with dignity, fairness and compassion by:

  • Ensuring consistent application of our Welfare Policy.
  • Recognising parents as partners in education.
  • Strengthening the communication between staff, parents and the wider parish.
  • Nurturing a culture of friendliness, respect and hope.
  • Developing a sense of responsibility for the common good through service and stewardship of the environment.

To ensure the continued development of our Vision, Mission, Values and Goals, a culture of reflection and self-evaluation is essential in all aspects of College life.